My Lovely Moon.

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This one is for Moon, I hope you enjoy it, also this artwork isn't mine, all credit is going where credit is due! DO NOT STEAL OR ASK TO USE THIS ARTWORK. It is Moon's, she's amazing! Now, on with the story!

It's not completely unheard of for shinigami to give their lives up for humans, Ryuk had seen it happen before, not first hand but still. He knew what would happen to his kind when they started to have feelings for lesser beings, and yet, the yellow-eyed god of death couldn't help but be drawn to one human in particular. It had started years ago, back when he was stuck following around Kira, after L's death but before Light's downfall. Things had gotten terribly boring again. For a while Ryuk debated on killing Light, he said that things would be even more entertaining from now on but that wasn't the case. At least not until a sight befall his big sunflower and crimson orbs, it wasn't an event or funny show, he often watched T.V with Matsuda, no, it was another human.

This one was petite with long brown hair that stopped at the middle of her back, skin so fair that at first, he thought she was a doll and alluring brown eyes. Now, most people or shinigami didn't know that Ryuk had an eye for girls. Since shinigami normally just gambled and played games. Why would they care about the opposite sex or the same sex? They too had feelings of lust or affection, well, most didn't anyway.

However, this tall male, that looks like a floating wet dream to just about every goth-head for one hundred miles, already knew he wasn't like the others. Yes, he liked to gamble and play cards but it was much more fun to drop random things into the human world and watch what they'd do with it. At first, he thought that growing attached to any human was for the weak. Yet, here he was, becoming attached to a female that didn't even know he existed.

They passed each other every day but never spoke, there was no way they could, nonetheless, that didn't stop a certain god from watching her. Even if Ryuk was bounded to the owner of the death note, there was a limit to how far away one could be. However, he had a plan to change that but it would take a bit of time and patience, which he had a lot of at the moment.

~~~Ryuk's P.O.V~~~

It's been about three months since I've ran into the little lady named Moon, such a unique name for a human. Though it is also very fitting. She isn't like Light and Misa, though I think she would get along with the latter more than the former. Moon has some interesting hobbies, drawing being one of them, and from what I've seen, that girl is pretty skilled. I wonder if she'd draw me one day...I think tonight will be the night I start my little test.

While walking around the Taskforce headquarters, I willed time to go faster, there was nothing here to do. The surviving members were all so boring, and there was still another four hours before my plan could be put into action. I think Matsuda noticed how uninterested I was as he offered to play a game with me, this did grab my attention for a second. But the risk-taker said there was a catch, I had to give them something useful to help catch Kira. To this, I laughed, "very well, Matsu, I'll give you a few hints but first, we play Mario Golf. If you can manage to beat me or keep me entertained for two hours then I might even tell you who it is."

I could feel Light's eyes on me for a moment, they were about as curious as the others, who decided it was fine for the second youngest to play video games while they all worked. It wasn't like he was doing much at the time. One hour turned into two, two into three, before either of us knew it, it was coming up on the fourth hour, and it was time to call it a day. "You didn't win a single game, what a petty but I will give you a hint since you helped with my boredom." Smirking, I knew this would get under their skin a bit, same with Light-o, "bossy and childish, Kira is both of these things, and always a step ahead." Before anyone could question me, I flew upwards, moving to the next level of the building.

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