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Well first off I would like to say .....Yay I got a gif to work! Finding good pictures that work with wattpad is a damn pain in the arse~ Now the name of this one shot is called K.I.S.S I'd like to see how many people (thought I doubt anyone will really read this) can come up with different meaning for K.I.S.S....also I suck at fluff...Anyways onto the story

~~Currently at Rose's House~~

"There's no need for you to be a prick about this Mello. WE are all FRIENDS here. Besides it's quite clear that she is protective of both Rose and Near. They are like family to her. So don't go in there acting like a raging fool or all PMSie like you always do."

"Says the person that rage quits every time he's beaten. Then cries to me about how she's a cheater"

Snap...Crunch...munch...growls.....snap (just sounds)

"...............I do not cry and SHE does cheat all the time! I call hacks! There is no way she should be able to beat me all the time at all our favorite games! She's hacking some how!" Groaned a reddish brown haired boy that was in his late teens. 

Pouting softly he looks at his blond haired friend before they peek into the girl's room. The sight before them made the blond male's blood boil. His chocolate queen at least she is in his mind. Being all cuddly with that damn albino freaking sheep boy Near! Oh how he despised that sheep.

Always one upping him and trying to be all 'cute'. He had already pretty much beaten him and Matt at being L's successor however that was still up in the air, since L hadn't picked anyone yet. How in the world he did it Mello didn't know nor did he understand. He's never seen the sheep study or anything besides play with his toys, stacking things, doing his one white L puzzle or playing with his damn hair. Now the sheep boy was trying to move in on his queen.

Alright Mihael just relax a bit. This is the last night she'll be in town before she leaves. If you're going to tell her how you feel you better do it soon. Why is he even in the room with the girls? Just ignore the damn sheep and do it!.............But look at him! His head firmly pressed into her large chest, arms wrapped around her waist. Is his hands on the small of her back?! THAT'S IT I'LL KILL THAT FUCKING SHEEP FACED BASTARD!!

"Hey Matt, Mello are you guys going to join us for movie night or just stand out here peeking inside like creepy stalkers? Also get the door for me, my hands are full. Thank you very much" A blonde haired girl said to the two males that were just standing around the door as she was making her way back to her room with the snacks that were requested.

"Well you guys going to move or what?" She says while trying to blow a piece of blonde hair out of her face. The male with orange tinted goggles on his reddish brown hair, reaches a black gloved hand out to open the door for the blue eyed female. "Thanks Matt at least you're helping unlike Mello here. You do know you can come in Mels you don't have to stand out here just looking at her, she won't bite......hard"

"Shut up Rose!" snapped the black leather clad male. He covers his mouth a bit as he steps out of Rose's and Matt's way trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto his face. His yelling had gained him the attention he had been wanting from the milk chocolate skinned beauty he had been staring at. Along with the albino boy that was still hugging onto her for dear life. Stepping into the room after his friends, Mello quickly took a seat that was neither to close to his desired lady friend nor to far from her.

"Is it over yet?" Asked a scared and probably scarred snow dyed male. His question came out muffled. As his face was still planted firmly in between two large 'pillows' He shifted just a bit to look over his shoulder only to quickly turn his head back around and bury himself some more into the warmth and safety of his adoptive sister's body. From what he could see and tell from the movies they would be watching all night, he'd be stuck in this spot for a while. 

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