Sing for me

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"I can't believe you're making me go on a double date with you, Takada. Why me of all people?"

"Well, you are one of the few girls that don't like Light, so of course picking, you would be my best bet. Besides, it was a last-minute decision. Why did his friend have to come along?"

"Alright, I'll be your wing-woman but you owe me big time for this."

"You're a real lifesaver, Lee. I'll meet you at the karaoke bar around the corner in twenty minutes."

"So the usual place then. Wait, the date is today? Right now...Damn it Kiyomi."

"Sorry, sorry, it's not for another hour but I figured you'd wanna get there early to find the best spot to hide-out in."

"...You know me too well, make it twenty-five minutes starting after we hang up."

"See you soon. Oh and dress up nicely."

Left with nothing but a dial tone and less than an hour to go, Lee quickly showered and got dressed. There was no way that the short female was going to get dressed up for this date, blind or otherwise. A quick glance at the clock let Lee know that it was time to leave, however, upon locking up something unexpected happened.

Where is she? It's already been over an hour since I called her. That girl better not have chickened out on me. "Kiyomi, are you okay? You seem a bit upset. Is it because our date was crashed and turned into a mixer? I am very sorry about that." Asked Light Yagami while looking into Takada's dark gray hues. A blush crept onto her fair cheeks, "I am alright, just a bit worried about my friend. She's late, and she is never la-", at that moment a girl came rushing in.

The only reason why the couple even noticed this was because they were the closest to the door. Music played, drinks were being ordered, the mixer was in full swing. Random people engaged in light-hearted conversations, except the awkward female that had just entered the scene, along with an equally awkward male that sat off alone in the corner. 

Large and very dark pupils peered out from a deadly pale complexion, heavy bags adorned the bottom of his eyes. They slowly looked up from the menu that was being held by its corners, thumb, and index fingers only. A look of disappointment was clearly seen in that otherwise emotionless face, the menu held nothing that interested the young man. However, the new person did, if only for a moment. Seems she is getting chastised for being late, and with that thought, the unknown girl was dismissed from Ryuzaki's mind.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I ran into my ex, literally." Zia deadpanned and groaned, causing her friend to frown. "And? That's no reason to be late." A sigh could be heard coming from the tall brunet male. "That jerk poured hot coffee on me so I had to shower and change again..."

"Alright, you're forgiven." Looking around the shorter female frowns, "I thought this was a double date, not a mixer. You don't even need me here." Says the small ball of sass, "me too but things happen and you're still needed, come on, have a seat and enjoy yourself." Nodding, Zia tries to find a spot away from the crowd only to be pulled down into a seat by some random guy. Already Lee knew this was going to be a long boring night. Thirty minutes into the night and already Takada's friend had turned down two offers of dates and three shady-looking drinks. 

Ryuzaki, on the other hand, was ignoring anyone that might have been trying to talk to him. The obsidian haired man was ready to go, the only reason he came along with Yagami was because they're friends. Light had been the first person to talk with him, actually, hold a decent conversation with the genius. They're complete opposites when it came down to looks but their intelligence and deductive skills were on par with each other. However, right now, Ryuzaki was wishing he was back at his hotel room feasting on cake, pies, fruit, sugary goodness of all kinds.

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