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The artwork is a commission I paid for, artist name is MUrasaki, they are awesome! This is my oc, the little girl, and my friend's oc, the shinigami. NO NOT TRY TO STEAL, CLAIM, OR TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS WORK OR THE CHARACTERS. Enjoy the story!

You will grow into such a beauty, my little one, and with the power of this book, I will keep you safe and protected." Cooed her father as he looked over their little bundle of joy. As an otherworldly creature stood behind him, towering over him. This thing stood over seven-foot-tall, two hundred and thirteen centimeters. Its face was nothing more than a skull, humanoid in appearance but this creature clearly was not human. Large whitish-grey wings that looked feathery, came from its bareback.

Its frame was lanky to the point that its rib cage could be seen from the front and back. Limbs long and bony, a patch of hair or fur, a sickly pale color, the same color as its skin, came out of its elbows, and along its long slightly curved neck. This humanlike thing had a curved posture, spine poking out, either from its height or old age. A small red gash could also be seen on the creature's neck and shoulder blades. Black, wiry-like hair came from its scalp, with one long braid in the front. The bottom half of this mystical thing was shrouded in darkness, like a flowing mane. Blood red eyes with black goat irises stared blankly at the new father and his offspring.

Yet it was that very book that will cause every misfortune in this child's life and at the same time, every fortunate thing that would befall upon her tiny shoulders. Thought an unseen force, at least unseen by the tiniest human. Tricolored eyes opened for the first time, they stared in wonder before closing again. "Did you see that, Maj! She opened her eyes, and they're beautiful, so unique!" Taking out a small scrap of paper, Mr. Lee touched their, his and his wife's newborn with it. "Now, she can see you too." Still staring down at the tiny human, who had opened its eyes once again, they stared at each other, pointing at the baby, Majora says, "all it does is sleep, eat, and poops. Reminds me of a cat," he paused for a second, "Koneko." A tiny hand grabbed the end of his finger, "I think she likes you, and her new nickname, Maj."

Majora remembered that day clearly, more so than other days. The day this particular little human was born, and his role in her upbringing.

~~~Majora's P.O.V~~~

Looking back on everything that has happened in my life, it amazes me just how little I've always cared about humans. They are nothing but livestock for us shinigami. Existing to keep us alive, even if we don't remember what we were originally made for or by who.

Every once in a while I did find myself looking down at the human world, taking delight in their suffering. Especially when a new plague or bomb was created. They're such foolish things, killing each other like there is no tomorrow. But they breed like rabbits or roaches, I'm not sure which is worse. That being said there is one human that I have watched from the day of her conception up to her birth. And I will continue to watch her, I know how many years she has, so I know for a fact that no harm should come to her before her eightieth birthday.

This human child is such a strange one, with her colorful hair and eyes that reminds me of a bloody battlefield. Deep crimson locks mixed with streaks of flaxen, pure snow, and the darkest of nights. Eyes that have seen more things in her short life span than that of most her age. Life and death, the complete circle of rebirth, and though she has never taken a life herself, this small child's very existence has caused the end of others. The first was her mother's but one could argue that mental illness was the real cause of that. Who would have known that shortly after giving birth that woman would snap and try to kill them both? Human females are supposed to be the more nurturing of their species, it seems not all of them can or want to fill that role.

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