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He rubbed her back gently while listening intently to her pouring out her broken heart. His beloved sister had just walked in on her now ex fiancee balls deep in her best friend. Who knew they had that kind of relationship behind her back. How long had it been going on? Why didn't she notice before?

Thinking about it now, her first clue should have been when he stopped asking for sex. Of course she would decline saying she wanted them to wait. Him being the world's best boyfriend respected her wises and would drop it. Settling on just cuddling and kissing her passionately. The last few months had been different.

He'd ask and she'd laugh it off stating that they'd be married soon and it would be worth the wait. Why the big rush on taking her virginity anyways? He no longer gave his normal loving reply, he'd just nods his head or smile cheeky. Sometimes he would leave without a word. However that was normal as he was working on a new case that he would not tell her about.

Something told her to follow him this time, but she ignored that little voice and continued to listen to music while cleaning his apartment. If she didn't come around every once in a while that place would become a real pig's pen. Finishing up the bit of dishes that were left, she noticed he forgot his lunch and wallet. Shaking her head and giggling to herself, the young female grabbed the lunch and headed out to his office.

The employees all greeted her warmly. It had been a while since they last seen the bright eyed, blonde haired beauty. The only person that never seemed happy to see her was his personal assistant Monica. However it seems she was not in today. Walking up to his door she knocked gently and waited. Inside she could hear soft moans and giggling, so she decided to knock again harder this time.

*Knock..........Knock...........Knock* "Hold on just a moment" *whispers and shuffling* "Who is it and what do you want!?" opening the door while raising an eyebrow at the male she speaks. "You forgot your lunch and wallet. Is something wrong? You're not normally this forgetful" She said in a shy and timid voice. He had just yelled at her which is something he had never done before. Even if he didn't know it was her, it still hurt to be yelled at by him.

"Oh it's only you dearest. Thank you for bringing my things. You mmm didn't have to" The female narrowed her eyes and observed him closely. His eyes were half lidded, cheeks flushed, he was breathing heavy like he had just gotten done running. Placing the lunch and his wallet onto his desk she leaned slightly onto the desk to kiss his cheek. Smiling he leaned up just enough to kiss her lips lovingly. A soft moan came from his lips as they kissed.

"I'll see you tonight if not tomorrow. I'll be working very late. Thanks again beautiful"

"Yes I'll see you later" Something is not right I can feel it. She thought to herself as she made her way out of the office without looking back.

"Do you think she noticed anything?" asked Monica a golden platinum blonde with lustful amber eyes. "No and I don't think she every will" said the man with a lustful smirk. "Good now let me *giggles and palms his bulge* finish helping you gather data"

After leaving his office Kitty did a few errands which took her most of the day to finish. She still couldn't shake that unease feeling to follow her beloved. So she figured why not go see her best friend. It's been forever since they last hung out. And that's when it happened her world came crashing down. Her mind tortured her with the images she longed to get rid of.

Her bestie another lovely blonde with bluish green eyes riding her guy fast and hard. The sounds of their heated passion echoing through out the small apartment. She could tell by the smell that they had been going at it for some hours. So this was the real reason he wouldn't be coming over until much later if at all.

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