The Truth Hurts

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This time around things with -->((Randomness))<-- will be Rem's thoughts, actions, etc

"Haha, Koneko. Why don't you keep my book? And not just a page? You're one interesting woman and dangerous too"  I said to the lady in front of me. I've ask this question at least once a week. Just in case she changes her mind. This girl has proven to be way more fun then Light. It's never boring around her and she even planted an apple tree for me. So I rarely run out whenever I come to visit the human world. 

I know she'll never really take my book, but a guy can dream can't he? "You never did tell me what really happened to Misa and Rem" came the amused voice of Ryuk, to which the ginger doesn't reply, choosing to only smile and chuckle. "Come on, give me something here." Standing up I grabbed an apple and bite into the juicy fruit. Ah it's so very delicious. From what I know about Koneko small gestures seem to work best with her. So maybe if I offer her a bite she'll tell me the real story. What really happened to them. Of course I know what happened to Light and the others. I was there for L and Angel's wedding and I killed Light myself. Staying true to my word and writing his name in my book.

My oddly colored hues glanced towards the female, mind still lost in thought, I ponder a bit more. Might as well give it a shot. Sitting down next to the brown pigmented female, I offered her a bite of my apple. She didn't take the apple, maybe it didn't work. Right as I was about to give up Koneko speaks.

"Well like I said, I feel her *standing up and turns towards the tree, her forehead is placed against it* all around us" Closing her eyes she smiles and gives the tree a little peck. The wind picks up a bit more while Rue stands there for a moment.

Tresses dances on the winds, the look in her eye tells me this will be a long story. But I am more than willing to listen to the very end. 

(Flashback and storytelling time)  

Zia's P.O.V

For months now I've been working out a plan to save my family and Angel. I've thought about seducing Light, but something doesn't seem right with him. He's not the same cocky kid I met before. After being imprisoned for a while he changed. I also noticed the change in Misa Amane as well. Her death date just appeared out of no where. Also a bit of her hair moved on it's own. That's when it came to me. I should use Amane and not Light, but how was I going to get her to trust me.

It was pretty clear that she doesn't like me at all. She seems to think I'm after her precious Light. I guess I'll do some light teasing and joking for now until I find the right time to strike. While others use deduction, I always approached things differently. 

Tricks, traps, black mail, that's what I like to use and sometimes seduction. This time however I can't use any of those things yet. For once I'll have to use the one thing I dislike the most. Opening up to another and being.....girly.

First off I need to prove to her that I'm not a threat to her and Yagami. This will be hard to do as the he seems to be interested in me. I did ask him once why he seemed to be so sweet on me. He replied by saying "Any girl that was willing to help people she didn't know, without asking for a reward, rather it was out of a sense of justice or just a good deed. Is a good person to have around." Besides the way his sister and mother talked about me all the time had piqued his interest.

I only helped out his mother and sister once and that was before knowing whom they were. Sachiko, Light's mother was short on cash as someone had stolen her wallet. I helped the older woman by paying for her groceries, she asked for my name and I gave her my nickname. The following day I happened to be in a very bad mood. So when I saw a group of girls being sexually harassed by some horny ass clowns, I was more then happy to help.

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