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L is dead, Kira reigns supreme, Light is by her side but Rem was not. Everything they had worked for was finally falling into place. A new world where there was no crime, people helped each other, strangers were kind. Kids helped the elderly cross the street. Life is grand, what more could Misa Amane ask for...

"Light, let's go out tonight. It's been so long since we-"

"I can't I have work tonight."

It's the same excuse day in day out, and Misa was starting to get tired of it.  The blonde knew that Light was using her and for years she was okay with that but not anymore. Not when all their enemies were gone, when nothing and no one stood in their way. 

"You said that you'd have tonight o-" ring, ring, ring, the sound of the brunet's phone cut off her words. Sunny brows nearly connected in the middle as their owner frowns. The model knew that ring, it was Takada, Kiyomi Takada the current voice of Kira. 

Call once, let it ring four times for business, three times for pleasure. "I'm leaving, don't wait up." The door closed, despite the tears burning her lovely honey-colored eyes, a coldness took over, one that reached into Amane's soul. That unanswered phone call had stopped at three rings.

"Misa, it's late and cold out, what are you doing? Come inside." Came the soothing voice of her long time friend, Vergessenheit, Majora Vergessenheit. He had noticed the petite woman walking down the street, and hastily turned his car around then parked before calling out. Tear stained cheeks greeted his blood-red and black eyes. Makeup runny, nose red, eyes puffy, Amane looked like a shell of her former self. 

He tried to usher the fair, ivory-skin lady towards the car but she shrugged him off. "How long have you been out here? Where are your shoes? Your coat?" Stopping in from of the woman, Majora placed his hands on her shoulders, slowly coming down to her height. Slender shoulders rose and fell, fragile frame shaking as more tears flowed.

Anger, pure unadulterated rage started to bubble up with this gentleman's heart. Every time he saw those light brown eyes clouded with sadness, it made the tall man's own heart cry out. A kind, compassionate, and overall loving person such as the young man of Russian descent that crouched before the lolita gothic lady, could never just leave a person in need behind. Again he spoke, this time with much more authority. "Misa Amane, you're coming home with me. I am going to take care of you." Looking up at him, all she could do was nod and allow herself to be guided to the warm car. 

The car ride wasn't silent, Misa-Misa had broken down, poured her heart out, and Majora listened to every word. Keeping himself calm at least on the outside, he had to keep his cool or else they'd probably end up dead. Carefully driving down the darkened streets, the heavy snowfall made things worse but hearing the heartrending sobs of the woman next to him was tenfold.

"What do you think I should do?" Asked Misa as they pulled into the driveway then made their way up to a modest bachelor pad. Stepping aside, he let his guest in first, closing and locking the door behind them. Without saying a word the model's coat was taken and hung up. "Majora? Are you listening to me?" Huffed Amane, making her cheeks puff out, the crow haired man found this to be cute, funny even. "Have a seat, I'll be right back, oh, and you shouldn't worry about him. Just relax for now."

Light caramel hues took in the sight around them, black walls with white trim, pictures of Majora's family and friends were lined up over a fireplace. Trophies, awards, certificates, were neatly hanging or displayed. The floor was also dark, made up of a black hardwood, the couches were white or offwhite, a glass coffee table sat near the couch, a white rug was underneath it. A large sliding door cut off the living room and dining room.

Walking away the pale complected man went into the guest bathroom then emerged a few moments later. Misa was then directed towards the bathroom where the blonde was greeted by candles, gentle music, fresh fruits, a glass of wine, and a bubble bath. A pair of sweats and a shirt was provided for the female as well. The scene was relaxing and very thoughtful. "No one has ever done anything like this for me. Thank you so much Majie", a sliver of the girl he knew was starting to show itself. That alone was enough calm the raging Vergessenheit down. While the petite lady was calming down, relaxing in a nice bubble bath, enjoying the drink, music and light snack, Majora busied himself in the kitchen. 

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