Of Sick Days and Rebirth

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I love the pictures I used for this one! edited the story to fix the typos and stuff~ Word count is still the same! 17/3/17 

I'm going to make another part for this story very soon!

Laying on his back the male stared at the ceiling. His body hurt and his eyes burned with tears that slowly fell over his pale cheeks. *coughing, grunts and groans* Why did this have to happen to him now? Why did he have to catch a cold while everyone was out.*weezing* Rose and L we're on their honeymoon they had just gotten married a few days earlier.

They would not be back until well after his cold was gone. Even if they were around he wouldn't want to bug the newlyweds. With his problems, he is an adult now he should be able to take care of himself. Matt was off doing his own thing at a Gamers convention. Asking Mello for help would be out of the question, there's no way he would ever do anything to help the young man. All of his team members were out and wouldn't be back for a few days.

They had been given time off. There is only one person left that the white haired young man could think of to call. However it had been over five years since they had last spoken. And their last chat was not a friendly one. Things had been said that should have never been said. Actions had been done that can never be taken back.

Near could still remember the day and the events that lead up to his current single state. It might have just been the physical pain that he was feeling or the state of his fuzzy mind from the cold. Whatever it was it made him miss her. If she was still around he'd be buried into her loving warmth right now.

Her arms would be gently embracing him while her hands either rubbed his back or played with his snow coated locks. Thinking of her touch was both soothing and torturous.
Why was his mind doing this to him? What should he do?

I should call someone, doesn't matter who. As long as they can get here as soon as possible. Now where is that phone. Slowly a medium size paler than usual hand reaches over to the small nightstand that is by his bed. Clumsy fingers reach out and graze the cell phone that rest on the nightstand.

Just a little more I can reach it. Reaching a little harder his fingers finally wrapped around the cell phone. Clumsily he dials her number. He knew it by heart. *sneezing and coughing, ringing* Over the years he had deleted her from his contacts. Hell everything that reminded him of her he either deleted or given away.

*ring, ring, ring, hard coughing, choking*

"Hello"........"I know it's been years *coughs* but I could really *harder coughing* use your *sneezes, weezing* help. *groans, grunts* I feel like I'm going to die. Please help" *coughs so hard he drops the phone, picks up the phone places it to his ear, silence*

Grunting and weakly throwing the phone, the all white wearing, toy and puzzle loving male. Slowly and painfully crawled out of his bed and made his way to the bathroom. Once he got there he started to pray to the porcelain gods or goddess. After a good ten minutes of prayer. He stand up on shaky legs, got a small cup and his toothbrush, toothpaste and quickly brushed his teeth.

The male did not like the taste of puke or the smell. Just because he would be puking every couple minutes didn't mean he had to sit there and taste it every time. After brushing he took a bottle of what he assumed was cold medicine and took two pills. The white haired male swallows the pills without water and makes a funny face at its taste before heading back to bed.

I guess she's not coming *sheets rustling, crawls into bed, closes eyes*

~~one hour later~~

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