New Teddy

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White nothing but whiteness. That's what the female thought as she looked out of the windows of her family's bakery and goods shop. With a sigh she looked around to see if there was anything else left for her to do. She had let the few employees that worked today go home early with full pay since it was a slow day and a bad storm was coming on quickly. Now she was alone and terribly bored.

Letting out yet another sigh she talks to herself. "I might as well close down for the day no one is coming out in this mess" As she reached for the closed sign, she saw something moving within the dazzling whiteness. Blinking then rubbing her bright orbs she almost missed the small child like figure that was battling the elements. Gasping she quickly opens the door and run towards the figure that was across the street. Without warning nor a second thought the female took hold of a semi small hand and quickly leads it into the shop.

"Stay here I'll be right back" she said not fully playing attention to the stranger she just pretty much kidnapped. Without missing a beat the young lady went to the backroom to grab a towel and blanket for the stranger. Returning shortly afterwards she stops in her tracks finally looking over at the small figure. "Interesting choice of clothing you got there little one"

Shivering and turning around slowly. The figure cloaked in all white, looks at the girl that had just pulled him into the shop he was hoping would still be open. His eyes are emotionless though his cheeks are a rosy pink color along with the tip of his ears and nose. A hand moves up to his hair, taking a strand and starts twirling it between his thumb and pointer finger. He simply observes the slightly older girl, as she slowly made her way over to him with a blanket and towel.

"Here you go little one. Would you like something to drink or eat? It's on the house" She said while gently placing the warm blanket over the male's shoulders. Taking a step back and waiting for his reply with a slight smile gracing her lips, she takes in his appearance. Much like the world outside he is all white, besides the slight bags under his cute gray eyes.

The male said nothing he only continued to play with a strand of his hair seemingly lost in thought while watching the brown skinned girl. "What's your name? Or should I keep calling you little one?" Upon hearing her question the male snapped out of his deep thoughts. "I am Near" he said "and yes I would like whatever you might have on hand for food and drink" 

"What an odd name. Odd but cool, I'm Zia"

"You can have a seat at the table other there" Zia said while walking towards the kitchen area to make some hot chocolate and grab two slices of her homemade Red Velvet Strawberry Shortcake swirl. Five minutes later she returned with their drinks and utensils. Gently she places them on the table then quickly heads back to the kitchen to grab the cake. Making her way back over to where the younger male was waiting she noticed that his eyes seem to be watching her every move. This would probably make any normal person feel uncomfortable, but not her, oh no she was used to it. Since her best friend is currently dating Ryuzaki.

It's odd this boy kinda reminds me of Ryu-Ryu. (yes Zia has a nickname for L/Ryuzaki that only she can get away with calling him) Stoic or emotionless look, similar bags and an interesting eye color, wearing all white pajamas. "Are you okay? Is there anyone I can call for you? You're not out here all alone right?" the woman spoke softly to him while they ate. Near simply looked at her while quietly eating his cake. "'s very good cake" is all he said in between bites.

Giggling softly to herself Zia leans forward taking a napkin and wipes a bit of cream cheese frosting from the boys face. This action causes Near to tense slightly before he relaxes again. Once they're both done eating the scarlette female takes the dirty dishes and places them in the sink. Knowing it would be pointless to try to start a conversation with this Near boy. Zia takes out a medium sized box full of playing cards, taro cards, and dominoes.

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