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The first time their paths had crossed was during a school festival, she was the leading actress in a play put on by the drama club. Light had been dragged there by a random classmate, it annoyed him but he didn't want to be rude to the other male as he gushed over his crush, a redheaded girl that was playing opposite of a certain ravenette. Nothing could prepare the tan complected teen for what was coming his way.

She was withdrawn, choosing to stick by either herself or the few close friends she had made at school. Her shy but oh so very kind and sweet nature was what caught the eye of a certain brunet. It complemented his own, that's why Yagami Light had taken a liking to the slightly younger teen. For a while, the caramel irises male debated on if the girl's personality was genuine or a facade, she was a good actress after all. And there had been so many other girls that tried to win his affection by being fake. Yet this one was doing nothing at all, just going about her daily life, reading peacefully in the library, writing in a journal, or humming to herself.

After seeing the ravenette alone at the park, a few months after the play, tending to a small kitten that had hurt itself, he knew her kindness was real. In fact, that day was when he first really saw the APPLE of his eye. (Ryuk: Did you say Ap- Queen Lee: Not now Ryuk...)

Walking under a pink umbrella, the rest of the world was coated in white, making the off-color stand out more. Long dark tresses reached her waist, white earmuffs adorned her head, a pink coat was wrapped around her upper body. Pure white stockings or leggings, pink, slightly frilly skirt, that reached mid-thigh, kept her lower half protected and warm. Pink mary jane shoes completed the five-foot-five female's ensemble. Golden eyes peered out of a porcelain face, they were so unique that Light had to look again, she passed him, gave a small nod but otherwise kept going. 

Then she stopped, kneeled down by a box that everyone else had ignored, the cries of a weakening kitten had grabbed the teen's attention, with great care she reached in. Lifted up the poor creature and brought it towards herself, using her own body heat to keep it warm while going through her backpack for something. Curiosity had kept Yagami from moving, to say he was enchanted would be an understatement. The unknown girl pulled out a small heated towel, one could tell it was heated by the steam that came off it. And wrapped the little creature up in it, she then brought out a preemie bottle, the kind specially made for cats or small animals. It was filled with something cream-colored. At that moment the well-dressed student no longer saw a random girl but a maiden in bloom but before he could approach her and ask for her name, the girl took off.

It wouldn't be for another week that the male would run into the fair-skin beauty again, however, that didn't stop him from seeing her face everywhere. Every waking moment of the day or in his dreams at night. 

I have to see her again, talk to her. I know I said I wouldn't date until after the exams but I get the feeling that if I don't speak to her soon that my chances of even becoming her friend will be nonexistent. He thought while gazing out of the window, until something, well someone caught his attention, a flash of pink, an umbrella. It was her, fate seemed to be on his side as the bell had just rung. Skillfully dodging other students, the sound of rushed steps and his own heartbeat rang in the brunet's ears. Making it outside right as a car pulled up, "Clare" called out someone from behind him, which caused the teen to turned towards the voice. Another girl stepped around Yagami and waved, the smile that appeared on Clare's face melted his heart. So that's her name, Clare. She had slipped through his fingers once more.

But now armed with a name and face, (no killer notebook in sight cause fate....*CoughRyukcough* hasn't screwed him up yet.) Light Yagami was determined to speak with Clare-san. The next day was not a school day so he would have to wait. Which gave the tan-skin teen a bit of time to practice what he would say. Nighttime came and went, days came and went until it was Monday. On the outside, the handsome, smart, charming young man was calm, cool, collected. Inwardly was another story, Light was excited but it was short-lived, for the one person he had sought after hadn't shown up. This alarmed the seventeen-year-old. 

Clare-san is hardworking and honest, much like myself, she wouldn't skip classes or school, maybe something happened? I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Feeling a bit dishearted but not giving up, he wanted, another day passed and still no Clare, three days later and still, the girl hadn't came to school. That's when Yagami decided to find out what happened. For a second he questioned himself about his actions, were they wrong? Was he being creepy? I should just wait, it's clear that she is just sick. That's when it happened, a girl walked passed him in a huff, "why do I have to be the one to bring her her missing assignments. This is so not fair. I'll end up being late for work, I can't be late, I'll lose my job." Groaned the redhead, it was the same girl from the play from earlier in the year. 

She was complaining to his classmate who then came up with the bright idea of asking him to do it for the girl, clearly trying to impress her. Light being the caring person he is caved to the idea. "Sure, I've got nothing else better to do. Who is it for? What's their address. It's Gundersen-san, thanks a lot Yagami-san, you're a real lifesaver." The ginger chirped while handing over the folder of missed assignments. Nodding while watching their retreating forms, the preppy male turned to his locker to grab his own things before heading off.

A decent size house came into view, and Light couldn't help but notice that whoever this Gundersen person was, they were within walking distance of his own home. Coming up to the house he gently rang the doorbell and waited. No one answered, frowning but not becoming impatient, the highschooler went to push the bell again only to have the door open. Standing before him was Clare, brown orbs widened a bit. He was delivering homework to her, of all people. "Yes?" Croaked out Clare, eyes a bit puffy, nose pink, she was indeed sick but that didn't take away from her beauty.

"Hello, I am Light Yagami, I was asked to bring these assignments for you." He said in a friendly and confident voice. Golden eyes swept over the boy in front of them, immediately noticing his school uniform, it was from her senior high school. Opening the door a bit more she gestured for him to come in. "Would you like some tea? It's the least I can do for coming all the way here, my mother just made it, so there's no need to worry about catching any germs." Exclaim the bashful individual. "Sure, I'd like that, thank you", smiling gently the brunet comes in, taking off his shoes at the door before following his hostess.

"Please have a seat at the table, I'll be back shortly." Politely she spoke, even with her scratchy voice, Light could tell she was good-natured. Soon his hostess came back with a pot of tea, two cups, sugar, milk, and snacks on a tray. "You're not feeling well so please let me do this", he spoke before taking the tray and setting it on the table and pouring them both a cup. All before the onyx tresses female could protest. "Thanks again, Yagami-san."

"Please call me Light", settling once more she nods and smiles, "okay Light." It made him smile when she said his name, even more so since she immediately dropped the san, mister, part. They enjoyed the peaceful silence, warm drink, and tasty snacks until Gundersen hummed softly. It wasn't the same as when the porcelain doll was alone, it wasn't musical, the petite girl was looking over the missed work. "Need any help?" Inquired the brown-eyed boy, Clare thought for a moment but then said "yes." After that, the pair spent a few hours working on homework together. Then just chatting, Gundersen was starting to feel much better but it was getting late and Light had to leave. 

They exchanged numbers, and before Light left, he saw something else that permanently confirm he had made the right decision, a little kitten came rushing into the house as he exited. So she kept the little guy huh, a little Kindness can go a long way.

For Clare, a friend of mine from discord, please enjoy. 1539 words, the shortest one-shot I've made so far, not bad at all.

Death Note X OC One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora