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He was her greatest weakness, well him and spiders......and blonds and baking. Which was the one of the things that had gotten her captured by his successors. Damn her love for making signature chocolates and other baked goods. One day she'll learn not to stand out in this way. However it was to late for that now. How did she not know they were HIS successors. All three of them are HIGHLY intelligent, all three had a strange habit like him. And of course all three had been searching for her for almost three years.

Last but not least two of them were really attractive and the third one was so damn adorable it made her heart melt. With his big gray eyes, snow white locks and innocent looking face. It was actually this sweet and innocent looking man-child that played the biggest part in her capture. Not to say that the brunette with dark blue eyes and a love for games and smoking didn't do his part. Along with a blue eyed blond man. Ah blonds how she loved them and hated them.

And it was this love that now had her fully bound but not gagged by a certain chocolate addicted, leather wearing golden-blond male. Whom was currently enjoying her specially made chocolates. Her hands were cuffed behind her with her feet unbind in front of her. The white button down shirt she wore for work was open, exposing most of her large chest. Of all the days for her not to be wearing a bra. She also had on a black pencil skirt, that now had a very nice split up the left side. It started at the bottom of the skirt and went right up to the top.

The blond man drunk in her appearance slowly. Letting his mischief filled blue eyes scan over her lovely milk chocolate skin, her brown sugar soft lips, long straight black hair and dark brown eyes. "Enjoying the view?" she asked with a cheeky grin. "Are you?" he replied his tongue teasingly flicking over the chocolate he held up to his mouth. The woman didn't answer, her eyes watched his mouth as her mind tried to figure out a way out of this mess.

Dark brown eyes locked onto blue ones in a silent show down. Whoever backed down first would lose. "You didn't answer my question" she says while sifting slightly. Her movements caused her shirt to open just a bit more. Not that she could do much about it. "You didn't answer mines either" the man said as he leans forward, his eyes moving from her orbs to her lips before landing on her chest.

She wasn't even trying to seduce him, but with her just being there all tied up and "helpless" he couldn't help but fall under her spell. He had finished up all of her chocolates. His fingertips were coated in the chocolaty goodness that they once held. "That was very good, you're very talented" the blond said while slowly licking all but one of his fingers clean. "Haha that's good to know. I'm glad I found a new recipe that works. Wish I could have tried them myself however."

"Oh" a blond eyebrow was arched. A devilish grin appeared on his lips as he slowly got up and made his over to the female. "I know all about you. I know about your love for blonds, so I better be careful. Or you'll end up seducing me" he teased as he crouched down to the girl's level. Taking his chocolate covered finger he held it up to her mouth. "Well now, aren't you going to have a taste? I'm not a bad guy I'm willing to share, however if you bite it I might shoot you" 

"Tch" the female smirked. "Giving me the silent treatment now? That's fine, I find it to be cute when some girls do that." He licked his lips before licking his finger just a bit. Slowly he pressed his finger to her lips and traced them. Smearing the melted chocolate onto her lips. "There since you wouldn't lick it off me. You can lick it off yourself" It will be sexy to watch either way, he thought to himself.

Standing back up and walking backwards to his seat. The boy watched as the girl slowly licked her lips clean. His blue eyes never left her face, he shifted trying to get comfortable. He bit his lip trying to fight back the temptation to kiss those oh so tempting lips. All three of L's successors had been told about Koneko's habits, her likes and dislikes and her love for blonds both male and female. However they failed to tell the males just how tempting and dangerous she could be even when she wasn't trying.

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