Moon God

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The wallflower that's me tonight. I'm actually enjoying being one too. Standing off on my own just baka watching, it's pretty fun. As I stand off to the side alone enjoying the semi quietness of being a wallflower. I let out a small huff as some drunkard bumps into me, spilling their drink all over my clothes. 

"You're excused" I Say while glaring at the drunk female.

"W-whatever....l-loser!" she says her words slurring as she tries to talk back to me.

Growling and reminding myself yet again this is one of Misa's dumb friends so I probably shouldn't kick her out of our shared apartment. Or do anything to make this lame party even worst, I quickly and quietly make my way up to my bedroom to change. Slipping off the now soiled dress I was wearing. With a sigh I go to pick out yet another outfit, a plain blue jean skit, baby blue shirt with cream colored shoes and belt. After redressing I make my way back to the dreaded party.

So bored! I'd give anything to leave this so called party. The males here are all horn dogs and the females are just plain desperate, like bitches in heat. They're all just freakin' sad, sad lonely little creatures that think they're high and mighty because they were invited to a party by Misa.

Misa Amane the up and coming model. She sings, she dances, she acts.....all poorly, but she still does it. As her friend I want to support her, however when she throws surprise parties and forces me to be part of them. I want to write her name in that book of hers, that she thinks I don't know about.

I sigh as I continue to ignore the nameless male that has been trying to flirt with me for the last two or three minutes. I was about to say something to him, and by say I mean spin kick him in the face. Until a male with matching hair and eyes of brown, came to the redheaded nameless male's rescue.

~~Light's P.O.V~~

Looking around the room I see countless people that could easily be removed from the world. They are lazy good for nothings. Why is Misa friends with them, why did she invite me to this stupid party? When I am the god of the new world I'll make sure to take out the trash here. I'll also get rid of Misa as well she is still a liability, even if her memories of the book is gone. 

Out the corner of my eye I see a  young woman being harassed by an annoying looking redheaded male. Normally I would simply learn his name and write it in my book or have Misa do it, however Misa doesn't have the eyes and we're at a party. I could ignore the scene however that would make L or Ryuzaki even more suspicious of me. As it would seem out of character to him. I decided to help the lady. It is what the normal Light Yagami would do.

"I don't think the lady is into you. Maybe you should leave her be. The night is young and there are a few other girls that seem to be eyeing you" I said while standing behind the foolish man.

"Get lost, can't you see that I'm talking to this fine piece of a-" 

His words were cut off by a heel smashing into the side of his face. The male let out a muffled scream as he held his face and quickly ran off. My eyes go wide as I watch the girl slowly bring her toned brown leg down. A satisfied smirk on her face. She speaks though it is slightly muffled.

"Someone needs to take out the filth that's around here" before I could speak she looks at me with her unique eyes. I've never seen eyes so different before. Mainly silver and gold, with what looks like spots of a dark blue, maybe midnight blue.

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