Girls Night Out

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Looking between the two girls, shaking her head slowly while pitching the bridge of her nose. "n-no way I could never wear something like that" she say barely above a whisper to her two friends. One are holding up a very short very skimpy black leather dress.

*oceanic blue pupils widen, shakes head causing blonde locks to sway, pale complexion turns red*

"Now Rose-san you said you wanted to get out of your shell, this would be considered getting out of your shell" stated the golden blonde haired, light brown eyed woman with a smug smile.

"No *shakes head furiously* t-that wouldn't be getting out of my shell. That would be *blinks nervously and gulps* getting me raped, *shivers, face drains of color* that dressed if you can even call it that is way too short"

*sighs, while making sad kitten eyes at multicolored orbs*

"Alright Misa if she doesn't want to wear the dress she doesn't have to. We've got plenty of time, let's just look for something else besides she's right this dress is a bit on the rapey side" *a brown hand slowly grabs the dress from cold pale ones*

*light brown orbs rolling, while frowning, tsk, tongue clicks* "You always take her side! I'm your friend too! Aren't I Koneko?" semi yelled Misa earning the group more then a few whispers and glares. *pouts and whines, while clinging onto the brown skin girl's arm, presses breasts against it*

"Yes Misa, we are all friends. *mumbles and rolls eyes, mouths sorry to the other customers* Just find something you're comfortable with wearing. It won't matter to much where we're going" a bored and annoyed multicolored eyed girl stated.

"Okay I'll do that. Let's meet at the cafe across the street when we're done? In about one hour?" Whispers the blue eyed, blonde before quickly leaving the leather and lace shop.

*giggles and smiles smugly*

"I guess this type of place isn't really her cup of tea so to speak. Where would you like to go Misa? Are you going to stay here in Lace and Leather or do you want to try out the new Lolita shop down the block? *looks out the window to see snow falling* The brown skin girl said to her companion.

*still clinging to an arm, flirtatious giggling*

"Since YOU rarely hang out with me anymore. And always take HER side and never stick up for ME....Let's go to the new shop, get our makeup done and have a nice cup of tea ALONE"

"Misa you know that's not my fault. You are the up-and-coming model not me. I've been meaning to ask you something, what's going on with you and Rose? You two seem to be clashing a lot as of late, is there anything you want to talk to me about? As I said earlier we're all friends here I don't want you two fighting."

"................" *lets go of her arm and huffs*

"Well are you going to answer me or act like a child? I'm okay with you talking just not acting like a brat"

*pouts and mumbles to herself stomping away*

How did I get stuck with such a brat. Hopefully everything goes well tonight and whatever is going on between them can be solved. I'm tired of this game of theirs......Oh nice! a new toy~

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