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Mello and Matt kept their distance, the brunet wanted to be the one to trail Rose and her current love interest but Mello shot that idea down before it could even come to light. "You're on surveillance too, I need you to hack into the restaurant's security feed. I'll be watching them when they're outside."

"I told you before, it's too boring to keep watching something that has no movement."

"Matt, just do it. I really don't care about doing this."

"Then why don't we swap our jobs? Yours would be better since you can listen secretly to a cute girl." 

"That cute girl is my sister", growled out the heated golden-blond-haired man. Making sure to keep his voice low and his expression neutral. Silence greeted Mello for a moment, "that doesn't change the fact that she's cute." At that moment Mihael decided the best course of action would be to just hang up. 

Half an hour later a call came through, Keehl immediately answered it. "We've got a visual." Came the rather dull and clearly bored out of his mind, voice of Mail. "Good, I'll leave the rest to you then while I check this detective out more." A grunt was the only reply the black leather-clad man got before a dial tone assaulted his eardrums. He's really sulking over the fact that it's not him following them, this amused the blue-eyed man. I'll have to make it up to him later then. 

It was only three p.m and Mihael found himself bored and in need of a chocolate fix. The mysterious detective his little sister was dating was interesting. Keehl found out that the man was highly intelligent, a skilled detective, with a flawless record, however, he didn't work well with others at times. His odd ways tended to annoy his colleagues. I'll have to be careful, not only is he damn good at his job, he is working my sister's case. There's a good chance he already knows what happened to Alexander, not that I am too worried about it. Finding a connection to me is impossible.

As long as he makes her happy and treats her right then, I suppose it's fine. The second he slips up though... Mello was lost in thought, his gloved hands traveled instinctively to his pocket to take out a candy bar, unwrapping it, it was brought up to his lips then bitten into.

Meanwhile, Matt was at a loss, the dark blue-eyed tech specialist felt both crushed and happy. Kitty's heart was healing once more, her beautiful oceanic pools shone with newfound love as she looked into the pitch-black eyes of Ryuzaki. They were embracing, and there was nothing Matt could do but watch, report, and support from the shadows. The way Rose clung to the tall, raven-haired, quirky male made Mail more than jealous. How he longed to be her Comforter once more. His darken irises widened as he watched the woman he adored kiss another man. If Mello wasn't so damn overly protective that could be me right now. Ugh, is this some new form of torture? Damn you Mels, but at least Kitty's feeling better.

Feeling a bit annoyed, the tan complected brunet opened his pack of cigarettes, hitting the bottom of the pack until one popped up. He then grabbed it with his lips, letting it dangle for a moment before lighting it. A deep drag was taken, smoke-filled his lungs before it was released. The hit was needed, junk food, smokes, and games, that is what Matt craved, he only had two of the three. Mello better remember to bring me back some damn cereal.

As time went on the couple continued to enjoy their date, Rose, a petite blonde, that was around five-foot-six or seven, seemed to take delight in seeing her awkward boyfriend use his deductive prowess. While they were out they had stumbled upon a lost child, Ryuzaki easily found her parents, they caught a free concert in the park. Though the black-rimmed individual complains about the people that were standing in the front blocking his view, the random up-and-coming artist did sound good.

~~Rose's P.O.V~~

As our date went on I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. It made me stick closer to Ryuzaki's side, this caused a bit of unease for my male friend but soon he relaxed. "Kitty? May I assist you with whatever is plaguing your mind?" He asked with a curious yet jerky turn of his head. Those messy dark locks that I've come to adore swayed oh so slightly. "I just feel...", should I tell him that I feel like we're being stalked? Would that mess up our date? If someone was following us I'm sure he would have said something or done something about it. "A bit of a chill, that's all."

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