New Roommate

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"Come on Mello"

"No I'd rather die here in the gutter than have to go there."

"We really will die in the gutter if we don't go."

"Just give me a moment and I'll think of something."

"No Mello...... We have no clothes.....And my DAMN GAMES HAVE ALL BEEN STOLEN!"

"Relax Matt we can just buy more. And our things haven't been stolen, they're just lost in customs. I'm sure we'll be able to get them back. It might take a while though"

"You're very calm about this. I mean it's not a big deal that our clothes are gone. Along with any money we had. Which mean we won't be able to buy anymore chocolate."

"Wait, what?" *slowly turns head, blue eyes widen*

"Yep, we have no money. Don't you remember? Your wallet was dropped and someone turned it in after they took the money out of it. The extra money we had was in our suitcases. Which got lost in customs. And you already know I don't carry cash on me only cards and the ATMs around here are neither not working or closed off." *pulls a cigarette out of its pack, places it into his mouth* Right before he could light it the male sees a big no smoking sign.

*sighs and rubs temples* "I'm sure there will be chocolates and games. It's only for one night. Then we'll be back on a plane heading back to base. If we don't have our things by time we land we can always call up one of the members and have them pick us up. What's the worst that could happen" a thousand and one negative thoughts ran through the blond's head as he looked at his brunette friend. So many things could go wrong as that point was being proven right now as they spoke. Looking around the once very busy very crowded Airport. The blond haired male named Mello shook his head and stated firmly no.

"There is no way I am going there. There's no way I'm asking her for help"

"That's fine you don't have to ask I will. Besides I'm already calling" state an amused looking brunette boy with dark blue eyes.

"Despite the fact that you do not like Lynda I'm sure she'll be glad to hear from you. I talk to her randomly and she seems to always ask about you"

"Thanks for telling me, because that's not creepy as fuck. I hate her so much and yet she seems to always want to be around me. I hope that little slut finally grew the fuck up and learned how to close her legs."

"Shush it's ringing"

"Hello, Matt! How are you? Is Mello with you? Let me talk to him"

"Hey look I've got a bit of a problem. Mello and I are stuck at the airport" *random people coming and going, flights being delayed, flights being cancelled, random announcements, Mello cringes every once in a while*

"That's awesome see you in about forty-five minutes. Thanks a lot I owe you one."

*sighs and gives the male a look of disgust* "Well are you going to tell me what's going on? How long do we have to wait around this Airport? Let's check with customs again and see if they found our bags. Hopefully they did so we don't have to go to that damn cunt's house"

"you know the chances of them actually finding those bags are really low. Besides they said to come back tomorrow or they would call us if they found our bags. I'm tired and hungry and I need my games so suck it up and let's just go and take Lynda up on her offer." Slowly the leather clad male stands to his feet and started looking for an exit.

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