Disappearing and Reappearing.

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This is different, every person I've met so far when it's their time to go, it's their time to go, but not this one. The numbers keep changing. It's like death itself doesn't know what it wants to do with her. I have to find out why this is occurring, if not I will surely go mad. I suppose I could put my plans on hold for a while. It's not like L will be going anywhere anytime soon, besides, there's no way he will figure out this case once it is done. Alone with my thoughts, I study the profile of a young woman from the shadows. She is completely unaware that anyone is watching her. If I had to describe her, I would say, attractive to some. That's if they're only interested in outward appearances, another way would be, simple. As in she likes the simple things in life, hard-working, honest, attentive. However, that matters little to me really.

My dark eyes focused on the numbers, they've changed again, it looks like she'll live another month. Just the other day they were a lot lower. Down to three days in fact. What could have happened to make that change? Was it the fact that the ginger didn't go out the last few days. Crawling on all fours until I reached the fridge I take out a jar of strawberry jam then head back to my spot on the floor. The laptops I have set up all show different parts of her daily life, home, work, and play. Nothing is hidden from me, and I mean NOTHING.

Normally she would have gone to the bank to make a deposit, however, upon leaving the shop she got a call. Which made her go back inside. Shortly afterward a figure came rushing out, going the opposite way of the bank. Of course, this figure was already known to be the bakery owner.

There was no mistaking or denying those luscious red tresses, with their unique streaks of black, gold, and white. Chocolate brown skin and multi-colored eyes. Later that day the bank was robbed, seven people were killed, and her death date had changed. It's fair to say that one little change can mean a world of difference when it comes to one's death date. At least that seems to be the case for this woman.

Another night down soon Miss. Lee will be going home, most likely to take a hot bath and unwind. Today was especially chaotic, one of her employees decided not to show up, leaving the ginger understaffed. Not much will happen tonight but I'll keep observing anyway.

It's been about two weeks since the last change, now Zia has two weeks left to live. I am curious as to what will end this woman's life. It could be me, she could be my first victim, it wouldn't be too hard to take her. Seeing those dark blue dotted eyes with their main base of gold and silver rolling to a close or slowly fading to a dull white as the crimson liquid flows. Listening to that soft yet high pitched voice as it whimpers, screams, and begs.

While my mind went on meditating on all the intriguing ways to kill, my eyes settled on something new. A girl in her mid-teens and a boy with shaggy white hair stood in the back of the bakery, they were fighting. Well, more like the purple and pink-clad individual was yelling at the cloud-based one. I've only seen him twice both times with Miss Zia.

He has grey eyes, skin as pale as my own, and only wears white. The way he plays with his hair reminds me of a young girl trying to flirt with her senior.

"I can't take this anymore. We never do anything! All you want to do is sit around playing with dice, cards, darts, puzzles, or work on books. That's just boring. Why can't we go on more dates or at least spend time alone OUTSIDE of your adopted family's bakery?" Cried out the overly dramatic teen.

While this happened the male merely kept his gray eyes locked onto his companion's. "Well, say something!" No reply was given to this outburst, not even a flinch. Huffing the girl left, pushing the boy out of the way as she runs off towards a 2002 black Chevrolet Camaro SS 35th Anniversary Edition. Jumping into the passager seat, she leans over to place a sloppy kiss onto the driver's lips before they drove off.

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