Gaming Buddy

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"Tell me the truth Matt, you like her don't you? Why else do you hang out with her. She is cute but she's also crazy" 

"NO, Mello, I don't like her. She's just my gaming buddy nothing more nothing less"

"So you wouldn't mind if someone else asked her out?"

"Not at all. If you're interested then go for it. We'll still be friends" The blond shook his head while biting into his candy bar. He knew the boy was lying. Yes he could tell even without looking into the other boy's eyes.

"I'm going to find my next victim for MK"

"Don't you mean you're going to confess your undying love for that psycho girl?"

"You sound jealous Mello."

"Why would I be jealous" the blond chuckled while licking his chocolate. "Because my dick is committed to you, but my heart is not" Matt says cockily with a chuckle. "Don't worry though! There is always Near" Mello's eyes bulged as he stood up and throw a boot at the retreating figure, whom was laughing his ass off. "Now if I was Saber, where would I be?" Matt thought to himself.

Saber was his gaming buddy nothing more nothing less. To the outside world they might come off as something more and a lot of people wondered just how the brunette could even put up with the brown and white haired female. She was crazy like bat shit crazy to them. But to Matt she was fun, sure she had her moments when she'd be happy then start to cry for no reason, but everyone has their problems right. Who were they to judge her or him for that matter.

Matt would always enjoy the time they spent together and today would be no different or so he thought. The girl had gotten herself into trouble yet again. Pulling a handful of pranks over the course of two hours. The first and second pranks were classic. She had put gorilla glue on Roger's seat after he told her to clean all the girl's dorm bathrooms as punishment for flooding them. Why she wanted to make toilet bowl smoothies and actually thought if she forced fruit into said bowls, the water and pressure would be enough to make smoothies, no one will ever know.

Thirdly during lunch she switched all the spices and hid week old eggs around the orphanage and it wasn't even Easter. She also took four dozen fresh eggs and taped them very loosely to the ceiling and some door frames so that over time they would fall randomly on people's heads. Decorated one of the staff member's car with sticky notes, the note on the driver's door window said I pimped YOUR ride. Last but not least, she had rearranged some of the letters on all the computer keyboards so that it spelt out. U MAD BRO without anyone noticing.

And that was just today. Earlier in the week she had taken all the staffs staplers and encased them inside of jello. She also duct taped a hook onto to every staff member's chair, so that when they sat down it went off. Filled the library with water balloons and left random tacks near some of them. To finish off the week she made it so that every other shower head had a different color it in. So that when someone turned on the water they would be sprayed in the face with a bright neon or dark random dye.

Now she was back in Roger's office. Her face hidden by the over sized black hoodie that had a Saber printed on the back in white. Her silver pupils are glued onto the screen in front of her. With her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth just a bit and her brows knitted together she concentrates on her game while some random teacher nags at her.

"Are you even listening to me Saber?" asked a short heavyset man with fading dark brown hair and amber eyes. The man tried to reach out and take her DS until his eyes met her silver angry orbs. Fearing for his safety the teacher stepped back and turned his attention to Mr. Ruvie. "Her pranks are starting to get out of hand. We had several people get hurt today"

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