Anything For You.

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Her heart had been torn to shreds and yet she still sang out to the masses, she still danced, put on shows for the crowd, and modeled happily. It seems that not even losing the love of her life could hold Misa Amane down, at least on the outside that is how it seemed. On the inside she was alone and broken, Light Yagami had been the blonde’s whole world. Despite knowing this, he still used her until there was nothing left and left without saying a word of thanks. Misa still remembered the day she came home from overseas only to find that all his things were gone, Light had moved out, no letter, no call, text, nothing. 

The brunet didn’t need Amane anymore, he had Takada Kiyomi, a far better goddess for him, someone smart and quick-witted, but of course, still not as smart as himself. But there was one person that had been there since the very beginning, he came to her concerts, had been her manager, put his life on the line more than once for her safety. And always greeted the blue-eyed actress with a friendly and energetic, Misa-Misa, and a big bright smile. His name, Matsuda Touta, a young officer with the NPA.

"Misa-Misa, are you alright? You seem to be down lately." Dark brown eyes searched fine caramel ones, they seemed to be looking for answers only he would know of. The blonde would often reply with a smile and a nod. However, today was different. "No, Matsui, I'm not fine. I miss Light. I don't understand, was I not good enough? Am I unattractive?" 

Seeing his idol so down and lonely was hurtful, how could the raven-haired ball of sunshine show his feelings to this flaxen beauty? If only I could give you the world, Misa. Thought the slightly older officer, a hand reached out to hold her smaller one. They weren’t in their usual cafe, all the ones the blonde normally went too reminded her of a certain brunet. 

Amane moved her hand, Touta offered her a tissue, leaning over the table to gently wipe away his companion's tears. "I'm tired of crying and being upset. It's time to move on! Will you help me, Matsui?" This newfound change was great. "Sure, I'll do Anything For You, Misa-Misa!" He meant every word, oh yes, Matsuda would do anything. 

Two days went by before Amane called up a certain man, it was the weekend and her photoshoot had just ended. “Matsui! How are you?” Getting a call from the equally energetic individual had come as a shock. “Misa-Misa, I’m great, you?” Just hearing your voice has started to brighten my night. I can always count on Touta to be there. 

They chatted briefly before agreeing to meet at his place, going back home was still a bit hard for Misa to do. The once shared apartment felt so empty and cold, not that it had much warmth to begin with. It took a moment or two for an all too familiar black car to show up, seeing it made Amane’s face light up. “You didn’t have to pick me up, Matsui. I could have gotten a ride from my new manager.” 

“True but I wanted to, and I figured we could get something to eat along the way.” It didn’t matter where they went or what they did, Misa always felt a small comforting warmth coming from Touta, it relaxed the petite woman greatly. “I don’t know, it’s been a very long day, Matsui. I’m very tired.”

“All the more reason you should be taken out and pampered. But we can do that tomorrow, for now, how about takeout and a movie?” 

“Sounds great!” With their plan in mind the pair continued to drive, Misa called up her favorite restaurant and placed an order right before they closed for the night. Luckily that restaurant was also on the way to Matsuda’s home so there would be no need to double back. 

"I'll run in and grab the food, you sit here, okay, Misa?" 

"You don't have to, I'll get it."

"Nonsense! I'll get it, I'd do Anything For You." Before the blonde could reply her companion had taken off. He rushed to the door, right as he was about to open it someone else did. The tall elderly man smiled while apologizing, and held the door open for Matsu, thanking him the younger man went inside leaving Misa there to watch. 

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