🖤13: Silent Cries🖤

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Being me has been the hardest part of my life. Not one good thing has come out from my it only sad and silent cries, maybe if I cry blood tears, they will hear my cries. My screams have become they favorite song. Top on the favorite playlist. Breaking me slowly has become has been the greatest wishes and they feed of my pain. Breaking me slowly but surely. I tried to be strong as possible I tried to not show them my pain and see them smile, but I have finally given up. 

I let out a sob as I place my head on my knees and hug my knees tight trying to stop the shacking from my hands. I press my lips together as I try to muffle my cries. I rock myself back and forth trying to calm myself down. I pray to God to not let him find me. I know that I wanted to die, but I don't want to die like this, and here I was complaining about being with His Grace only to come and meet the real devil himself. 'Prince' is on another level of being a psycho. He wanted to play a game Russian roulette. He put three bullets in his A4 magnum gun in different wholes and locked it. 

After that he told me to run and every time, he finds me he will pull the trigger if I am lucky than a bullet won't come out, but if it does than its my fuckin loss. What kind of a game is that? This nigga is seriously fucked up. He gave me a one-minute head start to find a place to hide inside his house. As soon as he said go, I ran for my life. He has found me two times now, and both time he pulled the trigger, but no bullet came out. Now I am sure that it will, and they are three fuckin bullets in that gun. He said the game will only be over if he doesn't find me in the next ten minutes of looking for me, or once all the bullets are finished.

I really hope that his grace will come for me, even though I learnt from a young age that you can't depend on someone. I can't escape myself because it's so impossible with the tight security this guy has. My breath stops when a hear his footsteps coming closer and closer. "Little cunt come out come out ever you are" he says. He walks closer and closer to me, and I could literally hear my heart beating out of my chest. "Boo". He says picking his head in where I am hiding.

I get up and push him away from me and I start running towards the stairs. As I am running, I hear a gunshot. I feel a bullet penetrate my left leg making me fall down. Austin starts laughing like a mad man. Is nigga seriously enjoying my pain? I scream as I lay on the floor unable to move. the blood starts gashing out from my leg.

"Cunt you better start running again I am already counting down". He says and does this evil laugh.

Lord, please have mercy on me. I know that begging him won't change anything. I have to run before he finds me again, but I need to hide somewhere he won't find me.

I slowly stand up and I flinch as I try to put pressure on my leg. How am I going to run with one leg only? I start limping not knowing where to go next. I limp to the garden. Surely, he won't be able to find me here that easily. I look at the bodyguard, and I think about asking him for help, but I know better than that. He won't me not even if he wanted to. All of a sudden, I hear a gunshot and it penetrates my right arm. I scream as I turn and look at Austin. How did he find me so quickly?

"Little cunt you are making all of this to easy...". He is disturbed by his phone ringing. He takes it and looks at the caller ID.

"Well, it looks like our fun is about to be cut short I have to go, but surely I can't leave without finishing the bullets in this gun". He says before picking his gun up and firing another shot.

'Our fun'? is this nigga on some type of medication or what? I flinch as I wait for the bullet to make contact with my skin. I open my eyes when I don't feel it, and I hear him laugh cheerfully while jumping up and down.

"Fuck that was so damn close shit". He says while still laughing.

I look at where the bullet landed and it's on the wall behind me. The bullet was only inches from going straight through my head. I look at the bullet hole in disbelieve. Fuck I almost died.

He calls one of his bodyguard to come and take me to the doctor. The big guy comes to me and throws me over his shoulder, and starts walking. Austin spanks my ass as we go past him.

"I will be back soon cunt don't miss me too much". He says.

The bodyguard enters the house and goes down some stairs. I think it leads to an underground basement. He opens a door at the end of the stairs, and I see that it looks like a hospital. They are all the appliances you need with one bed in this room. It's cold and it smells like medicine.

He places me on the bed and I see a doctor coming in. He doesn't say anything to me as he starts working on my wounds trying to stop the bleeding.

"Wait aren't you going to sedate me first so I won't feel the pain?". I ask him.

"No, the boss instructed me to not do that. He said he wanted you to feel the pain". He says with a straight face. Feel all the pain? I will say this again prince is on another level of crazy. The doctor starts taking out the bullets and closing the wounds ignoring my screams. He ended up strapping me on the bed so I could stop moving.

I ended up blacking out from all the pain. I wake up as I feel the excruciating from my arm. I hiss as I get up to sit on the bed, I feel someone looking at me, and when I look besides me, I see prince sleeping next to me. My heart almost jumps out of my chest. My breath picks up. I look at him.

"What are you doing here?". I ask him not really wanting to know the answer to that question.

"Well, I told you that I am not done with you". He says while looking at me with lustful eyes as he runs his hand up my tights from under the covers. 

No, no, no, this can't be happening.

"Prince please don't do what you are thinking about doing. you said you love me right, then if you do than you won't do this". I say pleading with him for the first time. I don't beg, and that is a fact, but I see that that is about to run out slowly.

"I am not going to hurt you, my love. I am only going to make love to you. Is that not that what couples do make love?".

He asks me while running his hand over my punani. I try to push his hand away from it, but he ends up cupping it.

"Don't make that mistake. Don't try to keep me from having what is mine. If you are not going to give it to me willingly than I am going to take it forcefully". He says while looking at me daring me to defy him. 

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