♛10: His queen♛

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Bullets came flying from all angles. Bodies of innocent people kept on piling up. It was a matter of killing or get killed, and protecting what's yours. No one was ready for the ambush, but luckily most men came prepared with their guns. His Grace quickly crawled with Samantha behind the table they were sitting at. Thorsten had flipped it over using it as a shield. Thorsten's wife Diamond also had her gun out shooting the ambushers she seemed to know what she was doing. Like it wasn't her first time doing it. 

Samantha was still fazed with what was happening she was confused and scared, but she knew that she had to be strong for now.

"Kenneth, you need to leave with Diamond and Samantha, we will cover you they are not safe here". His Grace shouted at Kenneth through all the noise the bullets were making.

"No, I am staying here with you guys I am not going anywhere". Diamond protested

"This is not up for discussion". Thorsten says to his wife. She looks at him irritated, but doesn't say anything else.  

"I am not leaving here without you" Samantha whispers to His Grace.

His Grace looks at her and kisses the life out of her. savoring the kiss most probably the last time he had the chance to do. These were his safe heavens his new found obsession.

"You will be fine. If I don't come back Kenneth will know what to do. Don't worry I will be okay, but you need to leave now". He says to her looking at the fear written in her eyes.

He hated that he didn't have the right words to say to her. He regretted even bringing her here to this. He handed her a gun

"Just in case you need it". He said to her.

She looked at it scared feeling the weight of it in her hand. It was heavy, but it was manageable. His Grace whispered to Kenneth.

 "Make sure she gets home safe without a single scratch". He said to him.

Kenneth understood the depth of that sentence understanding how important it was to His Grace for her to be safe. It wasn't just all about the sex. it never was in the first place. it was because of something waaaaaay deeper than that. The very same reason his brother had cursed him out earlier, he knew that his brothers would hate him for it, but he was willing to take that chance as long as it meant having her. His queen. He wanted to be the one to make sure she is home safe, but he had to fight this battle.

"His Grace they need to leave NOW". mercy shouted over all the noise.

His Grace took one last look at Samantha and he knew right there that he had to make it out here alive. he knew that what they had couldn't be over just like that. he never prayed as he believed he was his own god, but tonight he prayed to God to keep her safe. 

"Kenneth go we will cover you". he shouted.

Kenneth led the way with Diamond and Samantha following behind. Thorsten, Mercy and His Grace started firing at the enemies. The ambush team had a lot of people while on the other end it was only Thorsten, Mercy, His Grace and the bodyguard's they came with today. they didn't have much back up, and they couldn't call for it, because they would arrive late. 

Samantha ran through the cross fire with her hands covering her head. dodging bullets from everywhere. stepping over dead bodies. Kenneth came to a stop as they were three guys blocking the exit point. The other guys were quickly coming closer and closer killing all of the black's family bodyguards. Diamond took over and shot one guy that was blocking the exit. the other two shifted they fire and started firing at them. Kenneth and diamond started shooting at them too, but no seemed to get a clear shot. 

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