🖤12: Breaking Loose🖤

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I woke up with a jolt as I try to steady my breath hoping that the nightmare of Samantha getting killed doesn't come true. I flinch as I try to sit up, I look at my chest and I have a bandage wrapped around it, and a cast on my hand, but my mind wasn't here it was on Samantha. Did she come back home alright? Is she shot? Did they hurt her? I just Wanna see her and hold her.

The door slowly opens and my heart picks up hoping that its Samantha, and how I will get to look at her breath-taking eyes. how I will get to kiss her soft lips again. These bullet wounds won't even matter no more, because she is my cure to everything. My heart is slightly shattered when I see Mercy and Thorsten coming in.

"Hey bro how are you holding up?". Thorsten asks. 

Don't get me wrong he is my brother and I would fuckin die for him if needs be, but I was hoping to see Samantha not them.

"Yeah, I am good I just need to see Samantha that's all". I tell him the truth. He doesn't say anything except just look at me. I wait for it to come. I know why he is mad, and I get it I would be mad to if the tables were turned, but I didn't choose this. Well, I did but it's way deeper than he thinks.

"So, her name is Samantha huh". He says and chuckles while shaking his head.

"Why her?". He asks getting straight to the point.

"You wouldn't get it". I tell him.

"Well than make me, because I don't fuckin understand". He says.

"Because I miss her okay, and I never got a chance to say a proper good bye to her. She was my all. She was my fucking sister, best friend, my better half all combined in one, but I wouldn't expect you to get it anyways you guys were never that close to her anyways". I say to him. 

"Don't fuckin say we weren't close to her, because you know how much we loved her, but what I don't fuckin understand how you dating someone who looks like the exact same replica of Violeta will help. That's just sick and disgusting, because you are fuckin sleeping with this girl. What the fuck. Did you have sexual fantasies of fucking Violeta or what?". He asks. My eyes shoot up in lightning speed. I look at him in shock.

"No why the fuck would you even think about that why would I have sexual thoughts about my own god damn sister?". I ask him back.

"Oh, so you are telling me that you haven't slept with this girl?". He asks while looking at me.

"That's not the point here. The point is I just want to get my closure than once that is done Samantha will be gone. I just need time to heal". I say to him. 

"Heal? Are you fucking serious...?". I interrupt him before he is done.

I have said my part now I will say nothing more about this topic. He wouldn't fuckin understand anyways.

"Where is she? Where is Samantha?". I ask him, because knowing Samantha she would have busted in here long-ago demanding answers.

"I am not her keeper so I don't know where she is". He says still irritated about this whole situation. I get that seeing her is also hard for them, but they need to be strong, because Samantha is not going anywhere until I say so.

"What do you mean you don't know didn't they come as yet?". I ask him, and right on queue Kenneth enters. My heart is put at ease, because if Kenneth is here its means that Samantha is also safe.

"His Grace". He says in a low voice while looking down, and right there my heart drops. I know him, and I know that if he is acting like this than it means something really bad must have happened.

"Kenneth WHERE THE FUCK IS SAMANTHA?". I ask him furiously.

He doesn't answer me, but instead he looks everywhere except for me. I feel my beast weakening. I get up from the bed ignoring the excruciating pain coming from my body. I walk to Kenneth, and I stand right in front of him with our heads almost touching.

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