🖤prologue 🖤

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Love at first sight is something he never believed in. He believed that a man gets married for power and the title, but not for love. He didn't take anyone who fell in love seriously. He saw them as weak, and not men enough. Love did not exist in his vocabulary especially not in the world he lived in. A world full of stone cold men who kill for fun. He vowed to never fall in love not while he was running his late fathers underworld diamond business. 

As if him not believing in love was the biggest problem, but actually the beast inside of him didn't allow him to. It could only accept its chosen only, otherwise the beast would eat the lover if she is not the chosen one. He couldn't control his beast once it came out, this only added to his reasons why he didn't want to fall in love, and partly he was happy like this until he saw her. Her dark grey eyes that sparked his interest. She looked so simple, so angelic. The wind blowing her hair. She carried book on her hands. She was going to school. Right there and then he felt something inside of him wake up. Something changing, but he couldn't point it out. Could it be love?

He didn't know what he was feeling but he knew damn well that he had to have her one way or another, but first he had to prepare her for his day of revelation which he couldn't wait for to arrive. He made a new vow right there and then. That he would have her one way or another. He is His Grace after all and HIs Grace always gets what he wants no matter the cost.

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