🖤04: Red🖤

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I slowly open my eyes and I am blinded by the bright light. I slowly try to sit up so I can take in my surrounding but I quickly decide otherwise as I feel as if like there are dancing elephants in my head. HOLY SHIT it hurts. I touch my head and I feel that I have a bandage, and that's when I remember what happened. That little piece of shit decided to kidnap me and lord help me when I finally lay my eyes on him. He will know who I am, but for now I need to find a way to get out of here because I know that he didn't just let me go like that. 

I hear footsteps and voices coming close. I close my eyes and pretend that I am still asleep. I hear two people enter the room and by the sound of their voices you can tell that its two female nurses.

"Okay so I am going to hand this patient over to you, but please handle her with care His Grace said that she maybe I little bit feisty but I hope that you will be able to handle her" I hear one nurse say.

Me feisty argh this nurse doesn't know me I will show her feisty, and when I thought that this stupid fool had done it all he goes and calls himself His Grace they is nothing graceful about that man.

"I will do my best to insure she co-operates" I hear the other nurse says. Co-operate my fat ass.

"That's good, and please inform His Grace about all of her progress". The first nurse says.

"Yes mam" I hear the second one say.

"But do not disturb him when he is in his bedroom, and no matter what happens DO NOT enter his bedroom". The first nurse says.

So, what does 'His Grace' have hidden there in his 'precious bedroom portraits of me maybe?

"Yes mam, but if you don't mind me asking which room belongs to him so I know not to enter it?"

The one nurse asks. good job so now I will know where to go and I can hide there, because obviously no one will go to check me in his room. 

"It's the last room when you go up the stairs and down the hall. You will see it. It's hard to miss it has two double doors". The first nurse says.

The second one does not respond. I hear they footsteps fading away. I wait until I am sure that they are gone before slowly sitting up. I look at what I am wearing and I am in a hospital gown. Well, I can't go out looking like this it will be too suspicious. I take the gown of and I see that I am wearing red bra and panty. it looks cute, but I hope for 'His Graces'" sake that he didn't change me otherwise World War three will begin.

I look around the room and they are hospital stuff all over. This nigga is so rich that he can offered to build a hospital room in his house. mxxm. I look at the couch and I see jeans, a shirt and denim jacket. As I take the jeans, I hear loud footsteps no doubt that it's 'His Grace'. I take the whole outfit and I hide behind the door. It opens and he enters. "Oh no fuckin hell KENNETH" I hear him shout. Gosh this nigga has one deep voice when he shouts, he makes me shiver, and his voice sent signals to the wrong places in my body. Fuckin hell.

 I hear running footsteps enter the room. "His Grace" I hear someone say.

"She's gone. She fuckin ran away and I know that she's is somewhere around this house. she hasn't escaped as yet and I need you to tell all the bodyguards to look for her now do you hear me" he says.

"Loud and clear His Grace". Kenneth says.

Do they really have to keep on calling his name like he is some type of God? Jesus so helps my soul, because I can't stand this.

"And make sure that the bodyguard that was here is fired immediately". He demands.

"Yes, His Grace. It looks like we really under estimated this girl. she has a fighting spirt and she never gives up. I feel like she is still going to be a big problem for you". Kenneth says and laughs.

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