Chapter 53

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After three days, the doctor permitted Harley to be discharged from the hospital. His MRI and CT scans were both clear. He only needs to go back to see a doctor to remove his arm cast after six weeks. Carlisle postponed Greece until next week. I was with Harley all throughout. Carlisle went back to LA to fix some matters regarding Harley's paper so he could go home with me. He went back as soon as he could and helped me in looking after Harley.

I called Jessie to ask about how Harry and Thalia is doing. I told him that I was not in Greece and ended up telling her the truth about me having a son with Carlisle. She was shocked about learning the truth.

"So what's the real score between you two?" Jessie asked me over the phone.

" Nothing. We only share a son. I will still head the design team for The Pearl. It's just our situation became more complicated since we need to share Harley." I answered.

"I see. Anyways, everything is going on smoothly. The project with Mr. and Mrs. Adams will be finished next week. I will give you a call if anything comes up." Jessie said.

"Okay, I need to go and pack Harley's things. Bye." I told her. I hung up the phone.

"Is it really true that I can go home with you and Daddy?" Harley asked me.

"Yes, but after a while, we also need to go home in my apartment." I answered.

"But why? Daddy said, I can live there with him forever." Harley said. Oh my God, Carlisle, why did you say that?

"Harley, right now, your dad and I are still figuring things out. It's an adult thing you wouldn't understand yet." I told him. Harley shook his head.

"I don't want to become an adult. You make everything complicated. Why can't we live in the same house like what I see on TV?" He asked. My heart was breaking. How could I possibly explain things like this to him?

"Hi buddy. Are you ready to go?" Carlisle asked. He just came back after he settled the hospital bill downstairs. 

"Yes, but can we pass by the center so I can say goodbye to my friends?" Harley asked.

"Sure, anything for you." Carlisle said. He helped me carrying Harley's things. A nurse assisted Harley.

An Audi Q8 was waiting for us at the entrance of the hospital. I was surprised to see that the car we're riding had already had a car seat for Harley.

"Please instruct the driver about the address of the center." Carlisle told me as he helped Harley in climbing into his seat. I went to the driver and tell the route.

We reached the center where Sarah and some kids were waiting. I sent Sarah a message that we will go there so Harley can properly say goodbye to some of his friends and pick up his things, too. Although Harley was sad upon leaving his friends, he was proud to tell everyone that he already knew his father and we are going to live with him. After some time, we headed back to Los Angeles.

"Do I have to get my own room?" Harley asked us. I just glanced at Carlisle.

"Of course, you'd be having your own room. I wanted to ask your mom about the design but she was busy taking care of you for the passed three days. But if you want to change anything later, just let me know." Carlisle answered.

"I won't change anything. I am sure I will like it. Does my room has it's own TV? I like watching TV, it's fun." Harley continued.

"Yes, and if you want to add something more inside your room, we'll go shopping." Carlisle said. Harley's face lit up.

"Harley, what did they teach you at the center about excessive things?" I softly asked. I do not want Carlisle spoiling my son.

"Be thankful. Anything more is too much and be contented." He answered. Carlisle frowned at me. I just gave him a side eye.

"Mommy, I am sleepy. You talk to Daddy now about my room." Harley said after yawning. His eyes were droopy.

"All right, sleep well. I will wake you up when we reached your dad's house." I said.

I did not actually talk to Carlisle. If we talk, we might argue. Harley might wake up and things might get complicated. The last thing I want was to make Harley ask on why Carlisle and me are not in good terms. Carlisle was only staring at me and Harley all through out our way back to the city. I pretended to sleep so Carlisle won't bother me.

After a while we reached Carlisle's house. I should wake up Harley who seemed to have a deep sleep. 

"Don't wake him up. I will carry him upstairs in his room. It's the next room after yours." Carlisle told me. He quietly unfastened Harley's seatbelt and carefully lifted my son. I was only looking at them. I followed Carlisle upstairs. I opened the next room and I was in awe when I saw that it was already decorated properly. Everything was either red or blue. 

Carlisle slowly put Harley down on his bed. My son was still sleeping. 

"We need to talk. Lets go outside." Carlisle told me. I nodded and went outside of Harley's room.

"What is it?" I asked him as soon as I shut Harley's bedroom door.

"Don't stop me from buying things for Harley." Carlisle told me.

"He is five. I don't want him to get used to luxury. I can't afford it." I said.

"I can." Carlisle firmly said.

"I know that. But I don't want Harley to grow up getting anything he wants because you always hand it to him." I explained.

"I want to make up for the five years I was not there for him." Carlisle uttered.

"Lets settle this matter. We can't always argue with how are we raising my son." I said angrily.

"Our son." Carlisle corrected me.

"What will happen if he becomes spoil and you get another child from another woman? What do you think Harley would feel about it?" I asked. Carlisle's expression went dark. He pulled me to his room. I was in panic.

"Get in! Get in. You really forgot who I am, Adriana." Carlisle opened his bedroom door and was pushing me inside. I was not moving an inch. He quickly lifted me and kicked the door to close.

"Put me down, Carlisle, or I swear I going to hurt you." I angrily told him. Carlisle threw me at his bed.

"Look around, Adriana. What do you see?" He asked me. I looked around and I saw some pictures hanging on his bedroom wall. I was shaking when I saw them. Carlisle had our pictures in Nassau printed, framed and hang on the wall. I was speechless. 

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