Chapter 37

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I felt awkward. I clearly remembered that I said those words last night before I lulled myself to sleep. But what could I do? That was I truly felt and I did not like lying.

I tried to finish my breakfast quickly. I decided to keep quiet. Carlisle was busy checking his phone.

"I'm done." I said.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat something more?" He asked.

"Yes. We better get back to our room and mind your company." I said. Carlisle nodded and stood up. He extended his hand to me. We went back inside the hotel holding hands.

Carlisle suddenly pulled me towards him while reaching the elevator. I looked at him puzzled with his action.

"Your admirer is looking. I want to show him that you are mine." He said. If I just did not fall, I won't be yours.

Carlisle cupped my face and brushed his lips on mine while caressing my hair. I just closed my eyes the whole time.

"Lets go." He told me as we both heard the elevator bell rang. Carlisle was still holding me. I pushed him away softly as soon as the elevator door shut. He looked at me frowning.

"He's not around anymore." I said in a low voice. You only want me because of my body. I am your booty call companion. I found myself bitterly chuckling.

"Are you all right?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said. I forced myself to smile at him. What can you do about it, Carlisle? You clearly want me but you can't commit. In two weeks, you'll get tired of me. I just hope I could be the same person after we go on our separate ways.

I continued to be silent until we reached our room. I quietly sat down the couch.

"Are you sure you're all right? You've been very silent." He said.

"Yes. Can I help you with something?" I said trying to change our conversation. Carlisle took something from his briefcase.

"Please recheck all the figures. If you find something odd, make a report about it. What you'll need is inside the folder." He said.

I went to the table and started to read all the documents he gave me. I got my bag and took the pen and notepad I got from New York. I began writing the entries that I found to have discrepancies. I was surprised to see all the figures stated on the documents he handed me. Everything was in millions. I did not like accounting very much but I was very much familiar with it. I always audited the daily sales at Tony's. I made quite the list and put my reports in different categories. I also included some footnotes at the end of each one.  My eyes were getting sored by rechecking each number entry. Before I knew it, Carlisle was standing behind me looking over my shoulders.

"Do you want to have lunch?" He asked me.

"No, I'm good. I haven't finished everything yet. I need to compare my report to the figures listed on the document you gave me." I told him.

"You need to eat something, Princess. It's already half past one." He said.

"You can eat ahead if you're hungry." I  answered without looking at him. Eat alone, you ate alone this morning anyways.

"Is that your revenge of letting you eat your breakfast alone?" He asked. Did I say it out loud or he read my mind?

"N-no. I'm not that hungry. Besides, I want to finish this report." I lied.

"I will just order pizza if you want. I'm not in the mood to go out anyways. Lets eat here." Carlisle said. I nodded. He went to the telephone and called the lobby.

After a while s hotel staff rang the doorbell and brought our pizza. Carlisle opened the door and gave the man a tip before he left. The smell of the newly baked pizza made my stomach growled.

"Come, Princess. Leave what you're doing for a while and eat something." He said. I just looked at him and shook my head. My head turned to the documents again.

"Eat, I insist." Carlisle commanded as he put a slice of pepperoni pizza infront of my face. I opened my mouth and bit a small portion of what he offered me.

"You are angry at me." He said softly.

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"I can feel that you are angry at me." He repeated.

"No, I'm not. What makes you think that?" I said.

"Everytime I tell you I do not like commitment or I won't feel the same towards you, you get sad. You get frustrated, and you get angry. When you're angry or disappointed, you are always quiet. You distant yourself to me and make yourself busy so I wouldn't bother you. I would not mention that you also have a habit of twitching your nose and pouting your lips whenever you are upset but you don't want to talk about it." He explained.

I wanted to cry with what Carlisle said. He knew me well even it's just a short time we're together. What he said was all correct. How can I not easily fall for you, Carlisle, if knew me that well already? I looked at his eyes and I saw pain. He was staring back at me. I decided to lower my gazes.

"Okay, I will eat." I told him. I did not want to talk about how I felt anymore. It made me feel helpless. How can a person unlove someone? I stood up from the chair and went to get a slice of pizza.

The pizza tasted amazing. It was a combination of pepperoni, cheese, and seafood. There were also fries and freshly squeezed fruit juices. I decided to eat in silence. Carlisle was watching me from afar.

Carlisle walked towards me and hugged me from my back. He pressed his face on my nape. We were both quiet. I could feel his breathing and my heart beat became faster. I decided to turn around and face him. Carlisle was staring at me.

"I know I love you but I will stop. Give me time and I won't anymore." I told him shaking as I caressed his face. I turned around from him and my tears fell. I decided to go back to the reports  he asked me to do. Carlisle slowly walked outside of our suite. I just heard the door shut.

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