Chapter 50

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"You are not going anywhere." Carlisle said. I looked at him furiously.

"Please, Carlisle. I really have to go. I'm going to die if you won't let me." I said wailing. Carlisle's reaction changed.

"I will only let you, if you let me go with you." He said.

"You can't." I answered.

"Look at yourself, Adriana. You're in panic. If you drive and something else happens, what do you think will come after? I will come with you." Carlisle said as he stormed out my bedroom.

I washed my face and put some clothes on. I took my bag and other personal things. I hurried downstairs as I put my flat shoes on my feet. I saw Carlisle almost leaping down the stairs. He changed into jeans and red t-shirt. He got a car key in his hands.

"What are you waiting for, lets go." He told me and I followed him in the parking area. We took the Ashton Martin.

"Where are we going?" Carlisle asked. I swallowed hard upon his question.

"U- UC San Diego Medical Center." I softly answered. Carlisle was puzzled as he searched for the fastest route of the address I gave him. He drove fast as soon as the GPS directed him the route.

"Who is in the hospital, Adriana?" He asked.

"H- Harley." I said. I kept quiet afterwards and cried. I was so worried and I wanted to fly to him. Carlisle's face was blank. He did not ask me anything anymore and drove for more than two hours in the freeway.

"Stop crying. We are almost there." Carlisle said after an eerie silence between us. It was the longest silence we had together.

Carlisle parked the car to the nearest parking space to the emergency room. I almost jumped at the car as soon as it stopped.

"Thank you. I will take it from here." I told him." I sprinted and went inside the emergency room. I did not bother to look back at Carlisle. I'm sure he got what I mean.

"Adriana!" A familiar female voice called me. I saw Sarah waiving her hand at me. I ran towards her.

"Where is he? What happened?" I asked her and I started to cry.

"He is okay. It was an accident. Harley slid down the steep hill at the back of the center. It rained last night and it made the soil soft. He was walking near the hill when it happened. He got bruises and a broken arm but right now, the nurses are transfering him to a room." Sarah said.

"Lets go. I want to see him." I told her. My feelings were really guilty towards Harley now. If I was with Harley and not with Carlisle, maybe this did not happen.

"Okay but I won't be long and go back to the center. Is it all right, if you take care of Harley for a while?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, of course." I answered. We went to the third floor of the hospital. We entered a room and I saw Harley sleeping in the hospital bed. My knees felt weak as I saw how his condition was. I was crying in silence. I did not want to wake him up. Sarah handed me some tissue.

"I need to go. You know where to find me if you need anything else." Sarah softly told me.

"Thanks." I answered. She went away and I was left with Harley inside the ward. The last thing I want is to be with Harley again in the hospital.

I stepped beside Harley's bed and softly touched his bruised face. He got his left arm casted. He got a small cut in his head. I felt helpless seeing Harley like this. My guilt was eating me about the entire situation. I should have been there for him.

The door opened and a male nurse came in.

"Hi. I will check his tube." The nurse told me. He checked on the IV connected to Carlisle. He also took his temperature.

"Will he be okay? He is still asleep." I asked.

"Don't worry, he is already stable. Maybe just a couple of days and he can go home. I heard what happened from the ER staff, they said it was a nasty fall. He is lucky, he made it." He said calmly.

"Let him sleep for as much as he wants. His body is healing so he needs more rest. If anything comes up or he wakes up complaining about any pain, let us know. You can go to the nurses station, twenty meters to your right when you go out the door." He explained. I sighed as a relief with what I heard.

"Thank you."

"By the way, his doctor ordered some MRI and CT scan just to double check. Here is the order. I need you to sign this waiver." He said. He also handed me a paper and a pen. I quickly sign the waiver in agreement to the further test Harley needs.

I pulled the chair and sat beside the bed. I was only staring at Harley. He always looks handsome. He got soft brown curly hair and this boy- next- door feature. He has a prominent jawline and a deep set of dark brown eyes. I wanted to hold him but I might only hurt him.

"Hi, you're here." Harley said as he saw me. He was smiling at me. He wanted to sit down.

"Don't move much. You need to rest." I told him.

"It's good to see you here. When did you come?" He asked.

"As soon as Sarah called me you're here." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Don't cry, you will get ugly." Harley said. I pouted my lips at him.

"Are you staying for long this time or you need to go back to LA soon?" He asked.

"I will stay as soon as you're out of here. There will be some other tests they need you to do later." I said.

"Will it hurt?" He asked.

"No. It's only a scan, so don't worry." I answered.

"Okay. I'm thirsty. Can you please get me some water?" Harley said. I quickly looked around and I saw some bottled water at the table. There were also plastic straws. I opened a bottle and put a straw in it. I carefully looked for the bed adjustment button and put Harley's bed a little inclined. I put the straw in his mouth as soon as I made sure that his position was comfortable. Harley sipped the water slowly.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked Harley dearly.

"I'm okay. Thanks, mommy." Harley answered.

"Mommy?" A familiar voice said from the door.

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