Chapter 14

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The thoughts when Carlisle said the he'd take me next time played in my mind over and over again. He snuggled me for a while after a fiery morning. I did not know how long we stayed embracing each other. We were both quiet.

"Do you have coffee?" I finally broke the silence that might become awkward any minute from now.

"No. But we can have breakfast outside. There's a cafe around ten- minute drive from here." He stood up and took his mobile phone to check. My eyes were following him. I was still topless covered by his heavy midnight blue duvet. I saw the borrowed shirt he tossed at the bedroom floor.

"Uhm, would you mind throwing it back at me?" My voice was shaky pinpointing at the white shirt on the floor. Carlisle picked it up and stepped towards me. He sat back to bed and stared at me. I felt nervous again.

He gently put the shirt on me. I was tightly gripping on the duvet wrapped around my trembling body. He did not blink while he slowly lifted my arms so he could pull the shirt down. 

"Relax. I won't bite you, yet." He said in a tender voice. I simply looked at his face.

"Thank you. I'll get my clothes downstairs." I quickly ran like a child outside his room. I was panting. I pressed my temples with disbelief that I almost slept with a man I just met. I had never felt more alive in my life. The nervousness that I felt was nothing compared when I presented a report in Prof. Tollmund's design class. Yet I somehow sensed a great sense of bravery when I responded to his touches and kissed him back. 

I went downstairs to the laundry area to check on my clothes. I just remembered that I had to go back at Tony's to cover Pebble's eleven AM shift. How would I show myself with the same set of clothes I wore last night. I couldn't even remember if I brought an extra set of store uniform at my locker. I wondered if someone had found my keys at the club. I decided to use the toilet by the living room and changed clothes. I was glad that I found  a set of new toothbrush and toothpaste at the bathroom cabinet. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. 

I went back slowly upstairs this time. I was thinking of ways on how should I act in front of Carlisle this time. I pushed the door steadily and found an empty room. I heard the water flowing from the toilet. He must be taking a shower. I looked for a hairbrush at the bedroom and found one. I carefully brushed my dark curly hair and tied it up. I took my purse and turned my old mobile phone on. It's already nine forty- five in the morning. No message, no call, no any notification. How pathetic my life was. No family or friend to check on me asking where I spent my night was. The toilet door opened and Carlisle stepped out with a towel wrapped on his waist and hair still dripping wet. I swallowed and flustered instantly. I wanted to look away but his chiseled body and perfectly symmetrical face would stop me from doing anything. 

"Take a picture. It would last longer." He said laughing. I was dumbfounded. Why couldn't I stop myself from getting nauseous effects from this man?

"I am simply suggesting. You have your phone in your hands, I won't mind you taking a small souvenir." He added. I quickly put my phone down. He put on a shirt and I decided to turn around because I did not want to be caught eyeballing his butt again.

"You can look now. I'm fully clothed." Carlisle said. He was in fact putting his jacket on. 

"By the way, do you have any news about my keys? Has Zachary informed you about anything?" I asked trying to change the mood between us.

"Yes, he  sent a message around four in the morning. He regret to inform us that no employee of his has found any keys within the club premises." He answered. This guy is very English. He spoke like one of the characters from a literary book. I tap my forehead. What will I do now? How can I possibly get inside my room?

"What's your plan now?" He inquired.

"I don't know.  I am still thinking." My voice has never sounded desperation like this.

"Maybe a cup of coffee will help you. Let's go and have breakfast. Sort your things and we'll leave." He informed me.

"Do you have a paper bag? I would bring your shirt and shorts with me to wash. I promise to give them back." I said.

"Don't mind it. Leave them here. You might need it next time." He said smirking. I swore, Carlisle meant something else. I just decided not to pay any attention. He went to me and put his palm on my elbow. He literally escorted me out.

He drove around Barnaby Woods around ten minutes until he parked his car in front of a small house. There was a well- manicured garden in front of it with Christmas decorations hanging on the bushes. Before I even opened the door to get out of the car, he quickly ran towards the passenger's door and opened it up of me. I couldn't help but smile with that gesture. Are English men really like this? He assisted me in walking again. I felt like a princess.

Carlisle pushed the door of the house. Well, it was not really a house. It was more of a bake shop with tables and chairs. It looked so cozy and pleasant. The interior decorations were like prairie houses from fairy tales. It may be small but the smell of the whole place was divine. It smelled like freshly baked cinnamon bread, bacon and coffee. Carlisle took my hand and led me to the corner table. He even assisted me to sit down first. 

"What do you like to eat?" He asked me.

"Just coffee with cream and sugar." In my head I was counting how much do I have in my purse. Carlisle nodded and went to the counter. He came back after a couple of minutes.

"This place looks nice. Are you always here?" I asked him marveling at the beauty and privacy of the small village cafe. 

"Not recently. I used to come here long time ago when we visit here in D. C." He told me.

"By the way, do you have work tonight?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I will be working two shifts today. I'm covering for a friend. She went back to Nebraska for Christmas. Now that you've asked about it, my shift starts at eleven. I may need to go ahead after coffee. What bus number should I take to the city center?" I said. 

Our order had arrived. A mid- aged woman with brown hair carried a tray to us. She put two cups of coffee, bacon, waffle, cinnamon buns, pancakes, and sunny side up eggs in front of us. My stomach growled with hunger. Carlisle and I said thank you to her.

"So how much is my coffee?" I asked Carlisle while getting my opening my purse. 

"Don't worry about it. I never ask a lady to pay for her coffee or her food when she's with me. You're a great company. I hope you won't mind, but how much is your hourly rate at Tony's?" Carlisle asked with a very serious tone.

"Huh? Uhm, around eleven seventy- five. Why?" I was curious.

"Well, I am thinking of something that might interest you. By the way, does Mr. Allister still own Tony's?" he asked again. This was getting weird. How did he know my boss?

"Yeah. He's Christine's uncle. Again, why?" I was puzzled.

"I assumed you're in college, right? Are you currently enrolled?" Carlisle kept on asking. He did not answer my questions. 

"Yes and yes. Why are you asking a lot of questions now?" I started to get weird about out conversation. I was frowning already.

"Relax, Princess. What if I asked you to work for me for three weeks? I'm sure you're still on Christmas break. As I told you last night, I'm still figuring out what to do here in D. C. but  I am definitely here for business. I'd be frank, I'd like you to accompany me around, like my personal assistant. I'd cover your living expenses. I'd be paying you twelve thousand dollars for the whole term. You can still go back to Tony's after working for me.  Are you up for it?" He explained. I was in awe. How could this man think and offer me that instant? Twelve thousand is a lot of money. I wouldn't even have to worry about my living expenses. His offer was really tempting.

"You don't have to answer now. You can tell me your decision later after your shift. I'll drive you to work and I'd pick you up, too. In the meantime, let's eat because I'm sure we're both starving." He said winking at me. I was not sure if I still could eat in peace now.

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