Chapter 11

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After driving for around twenty minutes, Carlisle pulled over in a garage. I think we already passed the city center. Oh my God, I hope I made the right choice of sleeping over.

"Where are we? I curiously asked Carlisle. I had seen that we passed a lot of trees already. Are we still even in Washington D.C.?

"Oh, we are in Barnaby Woods." He answered in a thick British accent. He was definitely surprised with my question.

Although I had been here in D. C. for a while, I hadn't been in many places. Most of the time, I just stayed at school and at Tony's. If were not in the college library then I was only in the nearby places in Potomac Hall. I had no time to stroll around.

"It doesn't look like D. C. anymore." I uttered.

"Must be the trees, right? You'd love this place. It feels like suburbs but we are still in the city." Carlisle said. He turned the ignition of the car off and went outside. 

"Come inside. It's warmer there." He offered. I quickly stepped outside of the car. I was intrigued with this place. It seemed so serene. I wondered if there's a bus from here to Potomac.

"Actually, no one lives here. My parents bought this house when they were still together. My mum wanted to restore the place for a long time but she never had the time. She decided to move to Spain after marrying a cousin of a duke." Carlisle said while opening the main door of the house.

His house was two- storey with  a porch in front. Looked like the garden hadn't been touched for a while. The designed looked like it was built in the early 1980s.

"I'm sorry but there are only few furniture here. There are four bedrooms but since I just came two days ago from London, I haven't set the place up yet. I only had one functioning bedroom." Carlisle continued explaining.

What does he mean by that?

The interior of the house looked modest. It appeared to be old but the classic designs intrigued me. I wandered my eyes in the living room. It looked homey.

"Well, are you moving here for good? A house must have someone living in it or every thing will be dilapidated in time." I blurted out. Obviously some paints inside the house started to chip and fade.

"Oh that depends if I could find something to make me stay." He said staring at me. I swallowed in nervousness. I couldn't meet his gazes anymore so I drearily looked at the floor. He chuckled when he saw me avoiding his gazes. This was becoming extremely awkward.

"Come here." Carlisle called out telling me to follow him upstairs. I was breathing heavily as I climbed the stairs. My heart beats like a drum. Being nervous was an understatement.

"So is this the room that I will be staying tonight?" I inquired at him. Carlisle shook his head. 

"Unfortunately, as I told you, I just moved back in two days ago. I was always meeting friends outside and I haven't set the place up yet. We are sharing this room." He casually said.  It left a big O in my mouth.

"Don't worry, as I promised earlier, I wouldn't take advantage of you." He said with a gleam in his eyes.  I flustered with a lot of thoughts going in my mind. Why don't I believe that?

"O- okay". I said clearing my throat. This would be a night to remember.

"Would you like to borrow some clean clothes?" he asked while he handed me clean towels. Right, I must be stinking with the smell of smoke I got from the club.

"Sure. Is it okay if I borrow a shirt and  sweat pants?" I answered. Carlisle opened his suit case and chose some clothes. 

"Here. I don't have  sweat pants though. But you can borrow my boxers. Don't worry, they're new." He said. He also pinpointed the bathroom door. 

I went to the bathroom still dizzy. How many shots of tequila have I took? I locked the door as soon as I entered the bathroom. I decided to run the shower so it would be warm enough before I step in. I took off my clothes and took a bath.

I stink. My curly hair really smelled cigarette smoke. I decided to use Carlisle's toiletries. His shampoo smelled lavander. How I felt nice as the warm water seemed to wash my drunkness away. I wanted to lavish the moment but I realized I need to hurry taking a shower. The owner of the house must be wanting to take a shower, too. After less than five minutes, I was already dried and changed, except for my hair that would seem to dry for eternity. I  shyly went out of the bathroom.

"That was fast. Most girls I knew really took their time in the shower." He said smiling at me.

"Uhm, do you have a hair dryer?" I asked him trying to dry my dripping wet hair with the white towel he lend me.

"Yes, I think I have one in the house. I will check the other bathroom. I'm sure I have seen one the other day." He said heading his way out of the room.

"No, it's okay. I'll look for it. By the way, does your house have a washing machine? I was thinking of washing my clothes. They already stink." I told him.

"I'm not sure if the washers still work but you're free to test it." Carlisle uttered. I went outside the bedroom and looked for the things I need. I went inside the other three bedrooms to check whether they have their own toilet or bathroom. Carlisle was right, there was only one functioning bedroom, because there were no other bed in the other rooms. His house must had been empty for a long time. After checking the last bathroom, finally I found a hair dryer. 

Thank God it's working. After drying my hair for a while, I went downstairs and looked for the washing machine. I plugged it in and checked if it was still working. Hallelujah! I put my clothes inside but I still need some laundry soap. I decided to check the counters but they were all empty. A bit of Carlisle's shampoo would do. I ran quickly went back to his bedroom only to find him butt naked inside. I screamed with the sight. It was not that worse because at least I only saw his butt. Carlisle quickly put his clothes on. I must stop eyeballing his butt now!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I did not knock!" The ground can swallow me now.

"It's all right Princess. It's just buttocks. I doubt it if it's the first bum you saw." he casually said.

How can this man be so calm? I felt so  ashame. How will I look in his face if all would I think is his firm tanned butt? Heaven help me.

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