Chapter 40

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Carlisle woke me up as soon as the captain announced that we were about to land. I did not realized that I would be sleeping long.

"We're here. You better put your coat on and warm shoes. It's snowing outside." Carlisle told me. I went to the toilet and quickly changed into warm set of clothes. How I missed Bahamas' weather already.

I put on the thickest coat I had from the suitcase. I knew myself well. I easily got cold and it would be followed by slight fever once exposed long. I grew up having weak lungs. I guess, my mother was either very stressed when she was pregnant to me or I grew up not having right food.  Either, I will move somewhere not to cold during the winter season.

A town car picked us up at JFK International Airport. Carlisle said we would be staying for few days in New York before we head our way to D. C. I thought we were going to the Baccarat again but we passed the Long Island already.

"I thought we're staying in New York." I said.

"Yes. We have another property by the Hamptons. I also need to check some properties there for acquisition." He answered.

After almost two hours of land travel, we finally arrived at the Hamptons. The house was huge. It seems most people live here are millionaires or more. All properties were either big or ultra modern. There were few people along the streets, though. I wouldn't want to live in a very big house. I always preferred something smaller than all of the houses we passed by until we reached a white painted house with red double doors.

"We're here." Carlisle announced. I quickly took my bag and decided the car door on my own. The garden was well manicured although I could not see the green grass anymore because of the snow. A mid- aged man went to us and greeted us. 

"Samuel, this is Adrian. She is my companion. She'll be staying with me so better prepare everything for two." The man was dismissed fast by Carlisle. He took our suitcases and carried them inside the house.

It was not really a house. It looked like the inside of the White House. Every furniture screamed expensive and sophisticated. How come people who owned this house do not stay here? There were large white couches that you would hesitate to sit on. The house was fully carpeted. 

"We'll take the first room in the right just after the staircase." Carlisle instructed me. Great, we'll share a room again. Carlisle went to the study room and I decided to go upstairs. Samuel went upstairs to bring our things.

The room was painted white and large thick ash drapes were hanging.  A king size bed was placed at the middle of the room. There was a bathroom and a small walk in closet, too.

"Senora, do you wish for a hot beverage?" Samuel asked me after carefully placing our suitcases down the floor. Clearly, this person is of Hispanic origin because of his accent.

"I am fine, Samuel. Thank you very much. I will go to the kitchen if I need something." I answered politely. He left me and closed the door. I decided to put out some think clothes and hang them at the closet. With Carlisle's mind set, I learned not to unpack everything. I went downstairs after hanging some clothes and washing my face from the bathroom. I went to the study and looked for Carlisle.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked him. I saw him still reading the report I wrote at the hotel in Bahamas.

"Yes. Please write down you bank account details. I need it for future reference." He said seriously. 

"It's just almost a week. I don't want to talk about the payment." I told him.

"It's all right, Princess. A deal is a deal. Besides, you are fulfilling every description of your job. I even got a bonus." He told me smiling. I rolled my eyes at him. I took the pen and paper in front of him and wrote down my bank details. It's the only bank account I have, and I also use it for my part time jobs whenever I deposit checks. I pushed the paper back at him after finishing writing some letters and numbers.

"Is there any real job related work that you'd like me to help you in?" I asked. 

"Yes, you can get us coffee. Come back here and I will tell you what to do next." He said smiling. I went to the kitchen and looked for the coffee maker.

"Senora, what can I do for you?" Samuel asked me as soon as he saw me roaming around the kitchen.

"Yes. I would like to make some coffee. Mr. Hughes asked me to make him one." I said.

"Don't worry. I will do it. Just sit and wait for some minutes. Samuel moved fast. He took some grounded coffee from the cupboard and put it in a machine. He was smiling at me the whole time.

"It's nice to see Senor Hughes to bring a companion. He usually goes here alone." Samuel added. I just smiled back. 

"How long have you working for their family, Samuel?" I curiously asked.

"Almost three years. I met Senor Carlisle when he was at Florida. I was new here at America that time. He helped me get working visa." Samuel happily told me.

"So, where is your family?" I asked him.

"I just got a new baby. My wife delivered the baby only two months ago. I went to America because I decided to follow my wife here. She also works as a housekeeper in another house here. But now, she stays here with me at the living quarters because we have a new baby daughter." Samuel told me. 

"Do you like it here?" I asked.

"Yes, very much. The senor is very kind. He even raised my salary so I can support my family. He helped me with my papers so I won't have any problems with the immigration. His mother and him helped me since his mother is an American." Samuel explained.

After a while of talking, the coffee was finally done and I carried the tray back to the study.

"Here's your coffee." I told Carlisle as I put the cup of cafe americano in front of him. Carlisle's eyes were glued to the monitor of his laptop.

"Thanks, Princess." He said smiling. We heard the door bell rang.

"Now, who could that be? Do you want me to answer the door?" I asked him.

"No, Samuel will get it. By the way, your report was very helpful. I overlooked some details that you found. I also happened to admire your footnote. Are you sure you want to be an interior designer and not an accountant?" He asked me.

"I just paid attention to details. Besides I do the inventory at Tony's. I do not like accounting as much as you think I do." I said laughing. We heard a knock by the door and Samuel entered.

"Senor, your family lawyer is here." He said.

"Let him in. Thank you, Samuel. Please cook your specialty tonight for dinner. Here's the money and better buy some groceries enough until New Year. Your monthly salary and Christmas bonus is here." Carlisle said. He handed him two brown envelopes. Samuel face lit up.

"Gracias, senor!" Samuel said and went back outside. I was smiling the whole time at Carlisle.

"Good afternoon, Carlisle." A man said who was entering the door.

"Hello, Gareth. What brought you here? " Carlisle asked blankly.

"I have some very bad news for you. Are you sure, you want her to here?" He asked Carlisle looking at me.

"Adriana, you may leave us for a moment." Carlisle told me. I quickly walked outside the study pondering what bad news the man had for him.

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