Chapter 8

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After making sure that every thing at Tony's was cleaned and prepared for tomorrow's opening, we locked the kitchen and bar. I decided to go back to my dorm.  Christine, after changing her clothes, asked me to go party at the 18th Street but as always, I turned down her invitation.

"You'd be alone in your dorm. C'mon Adriana loosen up. It's a Christmas Party near the beach. Lets have fun." Christine was pleading.

"I'm sorry Christine. Maybe next time? I really want to go to bed. It has been a very long day." I gave an excuse. I simply did not want wasting my time partying. I'd rather watch TV or read a book than to mingle with college fraternities and sororities.

"You always said that but you never really come. I have been inviting you to come along for almost two years now but you haven't partied with me yet. I thought we're friends." Christine was sulking.

"We are friends, it's just I am really tired. I covered two shifts today. I am really exhausted." I said with a sigh.

"Please, for the spirit of Christmas? This will be your gift for me." She said with a smile. I was already grunting inside.

"Okay, I will go but only until two AM. I need to get some sleep. I still have to cover Pebble's shift at 11am tomorrow." I tried to bargain.

"Party for two hours or less. I guess I should take it than nothing. Let's go. I'll get my car. Wait here." Christine seemed to be very excited. She took her old corolla at the parking space. Aside from her car, there was one black Porsche parked at the far part of the parking lot. 

Christine was the niece of the owner of Tony's Kitchen and Bar. I guess it's the same reason why he couldn't fire her from the job despite her tardiness at work. She stopped from going to school, too. She said she wanted to be a fashion model and had been waiting for a call back from modeling agencies. Christine stood 5'10. She was really skinny with blonde hair and alabaster skin.

I quickly rode the passenger's seat when Christine stopped the car to pick me up.

"So who's house is having a party?" I inquired curiously.

"It's not a house. It's a club. There's a very hip place along 18th and I think we should check it out. Don't worry about your drinks, I'll cover it. After all, I'm the one who invited you." Christine was ecstatic. She looked at me and scowled.

"Oh, Adriana. Could you at least change your shirt." she told me.

"What 's wrong with my shirt? It's clean and besides I don't have a spare." I told her while sniffing my collar. Christine grab a bag at the back seat and handed it to me.

"Pick anything that you like and change. I don't want you to look like that when we enter the club." she was laughing. I decided to look inside her duffel bag. There were handful of clothes. Christine seemed to be always prepare to dress up. Her bag had lots of clothes and make ups. I decided not to wear any of her clothes. They were too revealing for me. It wouldn't cover the skin on my body.

"I'm fine. Besides, why do I need to dress up. It's not like I'm going fishing for boys tonight." I explained. I clearly did not want to catch anyone's attention so I decided to keep wearing my brown color long sleeves and jeans.

"All right. You won. But try to put some make up on. You need to freshen up. You're beautiful but why don't you flaunt it?" Christine asked.

"Thank you but I'm okay with myself. If I person would like me then I just hope that that person would like me for who I really am." I couldn't believe I'm explaining myself to her. She rolled  her hazel eyes to me.

When we arrived at the club, I couldn't believe that there were still a long line despite it's almost eleven at night. Christine took my hand and went over the line. I was afraid that the club security bouncers would yell at us for not falling in line, instead, as soon as one of them saw Christine, he waved his hand. Christine smiled walking towards him and instantly locked her lips with him. I was shocked.

"See you later, Allen." Christine winked at him and we proceeded inside the club without ado.

"What a way to enter a club! You did not mention that you have a boyfriend" I finally said. Christine always told her dates to me eventhough I was not interested knowing about her hook ups.

"Oh please, he's not my boyfriend yet. I just met him two days ago at an audition for an ad." she bit her lips. I gave a dejected look. Am I really that conservative? 

A loud music was being played inside the club. Expensive party lights illuminated the whole area. People on the dance floor were dancing and grinding at each other. Many had drinks in their hands. Some people seemed to be drunk already. Everyone looked like they were having a good time.

Christine and I decided to sit by the bar. A bartender quickly moved towards us and asked us what we'd like to have. I looked at Christine and raise my eyebrows. I had no idea what to drink. Tony's Kitchen and Bar also offered alcoholic beverages but I did not try any of it.

"Two dry martinis." Christine yelled since the music was loud. She put down some bills on the counter. The bartender quickly moved and prepared two cocktail glasses for us. As soon as the bartender served us our drinks, Christine sipped it up. She looked at me and nodded telling me to try it, too. I took a small sip and cough it out. Christine was laughing at me.

"Loosen up Adriana. You are an adult but you still act like a child. Don't tell me your still a virgin." Christine told me. I was frozen.

"There's nothing wrong with it but you should at least learn how to enjoy once in while." She added. I guess she was right. I never really loosen up. I never tried to enjoy moment like this. Having that thoughts, I instantly drank all my cocktail and yelped. Christine was smiling at me. She finished drinking hers, too and dragged me into the dance floor.

Maybe it was the alcohol that made me dance after a while. My sight seemed to blur but I feel light. After two songs, Christine and I decided to go back to the bar and sit down. We were laughing but I just seemed to forget what's the reason why we were laughing. The bartender went to us and gave us four shots of tequila. I was puzzled because we haven't ordered anything yet.

"It's from the gentleman at the VIP seat." The bartender told us while pinpointing at the person who sent drinks. Christine and I quickly looked. It was the man in Armani suit smiling at us.

"Oh my God! He is also here!" Christine was shouting in excitement. I, on the other hand, seemed to swallow my tongue.

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