Chapter 5

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The whole trip back to the office was filled with Jessie's plead to tell her the story between me and Carlisle. I was not up for it so I just decided to pretend asleep during the car ride. Carlisle is still a very touchy topic for me to talk about. Although Jessie and I are closed, I still couldn't tell her everything.

As soon as we arrived at Harry and Thalia, I called Thomas, our messenger, to go back to The Pearl. I gave him the instructions of getting my hand bag from Eve and driving my car back to my office. He quickly followed and went to the city center. It's almost an hour bus drive from here to The Pearl.

I sat down at in front of my desktop and decided to finalize the designs Mr. Florence was asking for. He wanted me to revise a design for a newly acquired property in New York. He said, he wanted his interiors be memorable for customers. He has plans on opening up a restaurant in the 6th Avenue near the Theater District. He said, he could book me a flight to New York this weekend so I can see the location first hand. I declined the offer. I told him I am familiar with New York since I lived there six years ago. There is no need to know the nearby competition. I am fully aware of the old establishments near his area. The design that I am rebuffing now is Asian inspired. I need to finish this tonight so I could be free this weekend. I need to spend time with Harley. 

It was almost four o'clock when I received a call from Thomas. He said that Eve left a little earlier and did not leave any message for him or me. Damn, how can I get my bag? I don't memorize Eve's personal number. How can I go home if I don't have my car either. And not to mention my house keys! This day couldn't get any better. I could only blame Carlisle for my bad luck. I told Thomas to just go back to the office. I will simply try to borrow one of Harry's car so I can go to San Diego and spend my weekend with Harley. He has been asking me to at least spend one weekend with him. I just couldn't say no to him.

I went to Harry's office. He is still there even though working hours are over. It has been his habit to stay in the office these passed few days. Every time Thalia's death anniversary is just around the corner, he always drowns himself in solitude inside his office. 

I knocked before I opened Harry's door.

"Hi. Is it a good time to come?" I smiled at Harry while he was sitting at his swivel chair looking at an old album on his table. Harry smiled back at me. He just turned fifty- five last month. His gray hairs are becoming more and more visible. He has black round eyeglasses that gave him a more matured appearance.

"No, come in Adriana. What can I do you for?" he replied.

"Is it possible to borrow one of your cars?" My car has a problem now and I need to see Harley. It has been three weeks since the last I saw him." I told him while fiddling a pen in my hand.

"Sure but I can only offer you the minivan. I decided to give the sedan to my niece. She turned seventeen three days ago. It would be  good car for practice driving. I'm sure Thalia would agree if she's still here." his voice croaked after mentioning Thalia's name. The sedan that he gave away was Thalia's. He gave it to her on their tenth wedding anniversary, a year before she died. Even though Harry has been a widower for almost six years now, he did not get married again. I never heard any thing that he went out on a date. He must have loved his wife dearly. How I wish I could find someone who loves like Harry. 

"Thanks!" I said happily.

"By the way, how did your presentation go at The Pearl?" Harry mentioned.

"It was okay. I think it went well. We were the last one to present. They said, they need to have their meetings with their team and advisors first before selecting a design company." Harry does not usually ask about business deals although he owns this firm. It seems he also died the moment Thalia passed away. He just did not want to lose the company him and his wife built from scratch. As long as it doesn't go bankrupt, he doesn't mind. 

"If we get the deal, I think it's good if you represent the firm during the project phase." I told him with confidence.

"Adriana, I'm too old for that. Besides I told you, whether or not you close the deal with them, you'd be my senior partner. You practically run every thing here. I couldn't pay you much like your qualifications deserved. I am just a mere decoration. I have no children to inherit this business. The closest I have to a daughter is you. I already told my only brother that I will leave everything to you if I'm gone. It's already in my will." he said seriously.

"Hey, don't say that. You are still young and very capable of running your business. I learned from you, remember? And like you said, you are already a family to me, so let's drop that passing away thing, shall we?" it always pisses me off when Harry talks like this. Harry stopped for a while and stared at me.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"Look at you now Adriana. Perhaps the butterfly is a proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet becoming beautiful." He said. I just smiled.

"Adriana, to be honest, I just want to retire earlier. I'm fifty- five. Five years earlier is not a bad age to retire. I am thinking of going on around the world in a cruise. I might buy a ticket soon." he laughed.

"You are ready to take over the company. You worked hard for this. All you need beside you is Harley and everything would be fine. "he added. I wanted to cry with what he said but I don't want him to worry if I do.

"So here's the key to the minivan. I will leave now and drop by at the cemetery.  Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. I will stay there until the sun sets and I will go home after." Harry always tells me his whereabouts because last time he got everyone worried when he passed out on his way home. He stood up from his chair and walked outside the firm. 

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