Chapter 9

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"Should we really drink these?" I asked Christine. I think it's not safe to accept drink from strangers.

"Hell yeah!" Christine said as she sucked some lemon slices with salt and preparing to take a shot.

"Drink yours, too. We could just say thank you to him later." Christine told me. I followed her imitating her ways of drinking tequila. After swallowing the liquid, a heat seemed to burn down my throat. Holy crap, what did I just drink? I almost coughed it out. Christine handed me the lemon and said to suck on it. She was laughing in amusement.

"Now drink the other one again and lets go over there." Christine was pointing at the VIP table. I was unsure at first but she was cheering for me. The alcohol must have had kicked in. I already feel like not myself. I took the second tequila shot. That really felt like drinking fire. As Christine and I approached the VIP table, a drunk man grabbed me by my right arm. 

"Hey, let me go." I yelled at him. Although the man who grabbed me looked cute I still found it annoying that people could easily do that. What did I just say about not being noticed?

"Dance with me first, beautiful." he insisted and he tried to embrace me. I pushed him back before his body reached mine.

"Go away!" I was already in panic. Suddenly the man in Armani suit went between me and that brute man who grabbed me by the dance floor. Commotion came and the security quickly went to stop the fight before it became worse. I was upset. Christine was stunned with what happened. I was just thankful because nothing worse happened.

The security brought the drank man outside of the club. Everyone continued to party. I just want to go home. I couldn't even make myself walk because I was still shocked.

"You better sit down." The man in the Armani suit said in British accent. He was assisting me to the VIP table.

"Thank you, sir." I finally told him after sitting down in the black soft couch.

"Call me Carlisle." He was smiling. His dimples and immaculately straight pearly white  teeth showed. Could he get  any more perfect? I nodded at in response.

"Uhm, I want to thank you for helping me back there. I think I have to go. It's really been a long day and that incident added up." I told him. Carlisle was sitting in front of me. Christine was beside him.

"Hey, Carlisle. Thank you for the drinks." Christine said. Carlisle did not even glanced back at her.

"One more drink and you can go home." Carlisle said. I frowned but then again, I couldn't simply say no. He just helped me back at the dance floor.

"Okay. One last drink." I finally agreed. He raised his hand and a waiter came over. Carlisle whispered something in his ear and he went back to the bar.

"Christine, after this round. I am going home. Thanks for inviting me over." I told her out of respect although in my mind I was thinking that I shouldn't haven't come here with her.

The waiter went back with the whole bottle of tequila in his hand. He got us some salt and lemon slices, too. Another waiter came and he brought  tacos and buffalo wings. How can I go with the amount of food and drinks infront of us?

Christine was grinning at the site with what the waiter brought.

"Wow, that's a lot. But Carlisle, why are you alone here at the VIP table? Where are your friends?" Christine asked. She seemed to be very interested now with Carlisle.

"Oh, he is still inside the kitchen. He owns this place. He'll be here in a while." Carlisle explained to her.

"Oh, that's nice." A bigger smile was shown at Christine's face.

"So, just one drink, right?" I finally said. Carlisle nodded.

"Hey lets do some body shots!" Christine suggested. Carlisle chuckled showing his adam's apple. I swallowed at the sight.

"Okay sure." Carlisle answered but he was still looking at me.

"I don't know that body shot. Are we taking pictures?" I said. Christine and Carlisle laughed at my question.

"Adriana, I will show you. Carlisle, mind if i do body shot at you?" Christine was definitely flirting now.  Carlisle look at her blankly but eventually nodded. Christine was very lively tonight.

"Mind if if I body shot at your neck?" Christine inquired as she hold on to Carlisle's suit. Carlisle removed his suit and opened up some buttons in his light blue long sleeves. Christine squealed again. She took a slice of lemon and rubbed it against Carlisle's neck. She put a little salt on it. She drank the tequila from the shot glass and licked Carlisle's neck. I was shocked with what I saw. Does it mean I have to do it, too? My heart beat fast with that thought.

Carlisle stood up and sat beside me. I was trembling as I took a slice of lemon. He suddenly unbuttoned more of his clothes revealing his muscular body. Why does this guy have to be like a god? Carlisle took my hand and guided me to rubbed the lemon near his chest. I got confused with what I was doing. For the first time in my life, I paid attention to a man.

I took the shot glass and licked Carlisle's body with my eyes closed. Darn, I forgot the salt. I quickly looked for the salt but Carlisle had some salt on his fore finger already. I did not know what to do but to lick it, too. What the heck did I just do? I felt that my face was already very hot. He put a lemon slice in my mouth. It could be the effect of the tequila or the shyness I was feeling but why on earth I licked body parts of this man.

Carlisle was staring at me the whole time. I took my eyes off him and looked at Christine instead. She was frowning at me. She must really hate now. It was very obvious that she is interested with Carlisle. But what could I do, he helped me a while a go.

Suddenly a tall man with brown hair went towards the VIP table. I think I saw him somewhere already. Carlisle stood up and shook the man's hand.

"Ladies, this is Zachary. He owns this club." Carlisle said as he introduced his friend to us. I remembered. I saw him on a newspaper regarding opening multiple businesses simultaneously. Zachary was also a handsome man. Christine immediately stood up and offered her hand for a shake. Zachary shook Christine's hand and smiled.

"Hi. I am Adriana but I really have to go." I said to him. Zachary laughed at amusement.

"I just came and you're leaving? How about one drink and I will let you leave." Zachary said. I was stunned. What it is with these people and last drink?

"It's okay Zach. Adriana really needs to go home. How about I took her last drink instead?" Carlisle interrupted.

"Okay, but you need to do a body shot with her." Zachary agreed pinpointing me. Carlisle looked at me smiled.

I couldn't breath properly as he was looking for a spot to rub the lemon.

"Rubbed it on her lips Carlisle or she cannot go right away." Zachary commanded. I waz frozen as my eyes widened. Carlisle hesitated for a while  but still opted to follow Zachary.

"He really wouldn't let you go easily. Believe me." Carlisle whispered to me. I was speechless. He rubbed the lemon on my lips and put some salt.

Carlisle gulped the tequila from the shot glass and pressed his lips against mine!

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