Chapter 36

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"Good morning, Adriana." Carlisle said as he saw me opened my eyes. He was sitting in the couch typing something in his laptop.

"Good morning." I told him. I was smiling widely. I stood up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

"What are we doing today?" I asked him as soon as I went out of the toilet. Carlisle was so enthralled with what his doing.

"I was just waiting for an email. If the response is postive, we'll leave the Bahamas after lunch." He answered without even looking at me.

"Have you eaten your breakfast?" I asked him. I realized that he was already wearing smart casual set of clothes.

"Yes. I went downstairs at the banquet a while ago. I did not wake you up. Would you like your food served here?" He asked.

He ate breakfast without me. I felt sad.

"No, I'm fine. I will just drink water." I said. I took a set of clothes from my suitcase and changed. I decided to braid my hair and put a light make up. I took a bottle of water from the table and drank it.

"Are you sure that you only want water? The breakfast downstairs is delicious. They serve it until eleven. It is still early. You should go and eat and enjoy the sun outside." He said. I felt something was off. Carlisle seemed to be cold towards me. Or maybe he was really busy. I was staring at him and his eyesight were pinned in the monitor of his laptop.

"Okay. I will go." I finally said. I took my wallet and decided to go out of the suit. He did not even look at me as I went out of the door.

The hall where they serve the food was very easy to find. It was a pavillion facing the sea. You could choose whether to sit inside or outside near the beach. The weather was fine. Some hotel guests were already swimming or sunbathing. I decided to get some omelette, bread rolls, and fresh fruits. I chose a table outside the building. It was good that Carlisle bought a pair of doll shoes for me. Wearing high heeled shoes was not my choice of foot wear. I walked in the patio to a secluded table near the coconut trees.

Carlisle must had been busy. He woke up early although he looked like he lacked sleep. I should insist on helping him in his business. All I did was accompanying him. I looked up and tried to locate the room we were staying at. I saw Carlisle by the glass walls. He was still sitting at where I left him. He was still engrossed with whatever document he was doing.

A waiter went to me and asked if I wanted something to drink. I asked for water and coffee. After a while, he came back with what I asked for. The sea looked so serene.

"Excuse me, can I join you?" A man asked me. He looked like around mid- twenties. He has brown eyes and hazel almond eyes. He looked like Tom Cruise and Zac Efron combined. I looked around and saw that there were vacant tables and chairs.

"Huh?" I replied.

"I'm alone and so are you. I think we can share a table and enjoy the view together." He said smiling. I was frowning. He already sat down in front of me.

"By the way, I am Benjamin. What's your name?" He gave his hand for a shake. I did not want to talk to anyone now but it would be impolite if I won't shake his hands. I extended my hand and told my name.

"Adriana." I said. He was looking at my face intensely.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He said. Clearly, he was flirting. I need to make an excuse and leave him.

"Thanks." I said coldly.

"Where are you from?" He kept on asking.

"D. C." I replied.

"I am from Nevada. Did you go here alone? I think we should hang out." He said.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I came here with my boyfriend. He will be here any minute now. He's the possessive type and I don't want him to think something else because I am trying to be friendly." I lied. You might be gorgeous but it's too late. I already fell for someone.

"I don't think you have a boyfriend because if you have one, he wouldn't let you be alone especially in this kind of romantic place." He said frowning.

"I'm sorry but I think you should go to another table." I said as calmly as possible.

"You heard the lady. I'm sorry, Princess, it took me a while." Carlisle said angrily behind me. Oh no, did he hear my lies? Benjamin looked at Carlisle and he quietly left the table carrying his plate. Carlisle was staring at him as he walked away.

"Glad you came." I said to Carlisle as soon as Benjamin was far. He sat infront of me.

"Do you want to eat something? I will get you some food." I asked him. I stood up but Carlisle held my arm.

"Just sit down. I'm still full. Finish your meal and lets go back to the room." He said. I sat quietly and ate some more. Carlisle was only staring at me.

"What? Do I have some food on my face?" I curiously asked him while wiping my cheeks.

"Your lie wasn't convincing enough." He said.

"What lie?" I asked.

"Boyfriend." He answered.

"There are two proven things that can shoo a man away. First is to tell you have a boyfriend or you're married. The next one is you're a lesbian." I tried to explain. I was blushing like a tomato.

"Eat your food. I won't let you off my side again. You are a certified man magnet." He said sternly.

"Man what?" I asked.

"Men keep staring at you everywhere we go. Men couldn't help themselves but to fancy you. I just let you off my sight and some dude openly flirted at you." He said seriously. I was speechless.

"You sound jealous." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't like sharing what's mine." He said.

"Yours?" I uttered.

"You told me, you're all mine, remember?" He said. He was looking straightly to my eyes.

"What does it make us now, Carlisle?" I asked with a sad yet hopeful tone.

"Don't start again, Princess. I clearly heard what you told me before you sleep last night. I'm sorry, I cannot say it back. But I want you to know that I care and I will take care of you." Carlisle said.

Darn, he heard me saying I love you last night.

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