Chapter 23

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"So who would use the bathroom first?" Carlisle asked me as soon as we entered the suite.

"You can go ahead. I need to rest my feet for a while. Walking in heels is a hard job." I answered. I was tired but roaming around in New York for the first time was worth it.

Carlisle went inside the bedroom and I went to the walk in closet to get a literally new set change of clothes. This man is spoiling me much. I decided to unpack the rest of the paper bags he got for me. I kept on reminding myself since this afternoon not to fall to Carlisle's charm since he made it clear that he did not want any commitment. If I fell, I would end up hurt. 

This is only for three weeks. I kept telling myself. Enjoy whatever it would be but never feel more than that. How could I possibly convince myself not to pay attention to the  man who did not believe in love yet he was very lovable? He broke down my walls very effortlessly. There were many firsts in my life and he made them happen. This is harder than I thought.

"Hey, Princess, do you like to eat supper outside or would you like to order room service instead?" Carlisle suddenly asked walking in the place I was staying. He saw me folding the black swimsuit he bought this morning. Where could I possibly use this if it is autumn?

"You might have an early day tomorrow, if we go out later, the restaurants might be fully booked because it's Christmas. We better eat here besides I am still full from eating the cheeseburger from Rockefeller." I answered.

"I would only be doing some additional points in the proposal and some other paper works until morning. Maybe in the afternoon we can visit the Staten Island or watch a Broadway show. It's your call." He added. 

"Let's play by ear tomorrow. We need to prioritize your project proposal first." I uttered.

After a while, I decided to go the bathroom. I saw Carlisle in the living room focusing in front of his laptop. He did not notice me passing by because he was very engrossed in his paper works. He did not look scary anymore compared to the one during the meeting. He looked like an intellectual boy next door when he was busy with making business documents.

The bathroom in our suite was beyond nice. What I loved about it was a big tub. I decided to try it. I ran the hot water as I sniffed at the different bath bombs available. I chose the lavender one. I put it in the water and I watched how the bubbles arose. 

I got excited because I never really had the chance to soak in one. The orphanage I grew up did not have a tub. The foster homes I stayed at did not usually have a tub in their shared bathrooms. My room in D.C. did not have a tub either. If I get the room with one, it would cost more.

I quickly dipped in. The warm water felt nice and the scent of the lavender seemed to relax me especially my tired legs and feet. 

I had only been with Carlisle for two days but it seemed it was longer. Is it really possible that we seemed to know each other a lot longer than two days? What happens if I fall, and he doesn't? Carlisle is like a delicious candy dangling in front of my face that I shouldn't bite. How can I focus on work if he keeps on treating me out like we are having a date?

Carlisle had been running in my thoughts and I did not realize that I dozed off in the tub. I woke up with Carlisle shaking my shoulders.

"Adriana! Adriana!" I heard Carlisle's voice worried. I slowly opened my eyes and met his concerned gazes. He had green eyes to die for. I realized that I was still in the tub naked. I quickly put on my arms across my bared chest.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" I yelled in panic.

"What the hell happened to you? I thought you had slipped in the bathroom or something." He explained while trying to pull me out of the water. He took the thick white bathroom towel and wrapped it around my body when I tried to stand up.

"I fell asleep." I simply answered trying to cover myself more with the towel.

"Get out of there now. Sleeping in the tub could make you sick." He said in an annoyed tone. I got off of the tub since I realized that the water was already cold.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked myself out loud.

"I'm not sure. I did not realize the time until I got hungry and ordered food for us. I called out for you. I thought you were still in the walk in closet. When I did not see you there, I called the concierge if they happen to see you went outside." He said seriously.

"I need to rinse. Please go out." I said.

"No. I promise I won't look. Do your thing and I'll stay." He said stubbornly as he turned his back around. I quickly step into the shower and rinse my body as fast as I could. I took the towel and wrapped it again on myself.

"I'm done. I'm sorry. I did not mean to worry you." I apologetically said.

"I was about to call the authorities when the butler suggested to recheck the suite. Then I found you here asleep." He added turning his body to me.

"Oh my! I am really sorry." I said again. He is worried about me. I was rejoicing with that thought in my head. Without a warning Carlisle wrapped his arms around me.

"You really gave me a fright. I thought maybe you ran away." He said lowly. He embraced me tighter.

"Uhm, C- carlisle you can let me go now." I said nervously. This kind of situation made me feel wide awake with complications. He loosened his grip and looked at my face. I tried to smile casually but he took my lips again. His kisses were very tender this time making me feel that he really cared. I felt wanted. I gladly opened my mouth and kissed him back.

Carlisle lifted me up and brought me to the bedroom. I was very nervous but his tenderness intoxicated me already. I felt my back was carefully laid against the soft matress of the bed. Carlisle pulled the towel from my body. I was frozen.

"You're so beautiful, Princess." He said as he gaped me from head to toe. I wanted to cover my body but something in my core was already aching. Carlisle took off his clothes. I was in awe when I his nakedness. His abs were hard as his chest. Greek statues would definitely take him as one of them. I swallowed hard as I caressed his upper body down to his waist. I stopped as a saw how huge he was down there.

Carlisle's hands were everywhere. He was touching my navel in small circles and fondling my breasts. I felt so hot as he passionately sucked my nipples. I was moaning in great pleasure. He slowly kissed me from my navel down to my private parts. I was gasping for air when Carlisle gradually stroke my core. He parted my legs and he slowly tasted me. My body arched in fervor.

"You taste so sweet, Princess." Carlisle said as he dived back in and played me with his tongue. I almost screamed with delight. My body was responding to every Carlisle's touch. I felt that I was already soaking wet. His tongue was like a master guitar player plucking me down there expertly. I found myself opening my legs more and lifting my hips to Carlisle's mouth. I was crying as he sucked me deliberately. I felt my body tensed as I released hot body fluids. Carlisle was still below me licking and sipping my every drop.

He went up and met my gazes. I was panting and almost in tears. The pleasure he gave me was exhilirating. Carlisle took my hand and led it to his hot and hard groin. I was electrified as I softly stroke his erected manhood back and forth.

"You really know how to drive me crazy, Princess." Carlisle said hoarsely.

"I want you and I want you now." He added. He wants me, he wants me and nothing more. I came back to my senses and pushed him away.

"I'm really sorry, Carlisle. I am not ready for this." I uttered sadly.

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