Chapter 15

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I did not know how I managed to finish breakfast. All I remember was, I was very quiet at first. I opted to pay attention to the food in front of me. I definitely enjoyed the freshly brewed coffee that seemed to deduce my tequila triggered headache. A lot of things had been running in my mind. Carlisle's job offer was really tempting but I must take note that I was really attracted to him.  Because how would I explain the fact that I openly minded spend the night with him, right? If I work for him, I might have a hard time controlling myself. I did not like mixing business with pleasure. I had been working at Tony's for quite a while now and I know flirting in business is a certified recipe for disaster. However, I needed the money for my studies, too. The cost of school project materials were getting more expensive these days. I could only take two jobs at my current school schedule.

Carlisle was the one asking me questions. They were more personal than the usual. He asked me about my school, my childhood and job. I was timidly answering them though. I did not want to give him the impression of a snob nor a kiss and tell.

"Would you like more pancake syrup?" He asked suddenly.

"What?" I said.

"You've got sweet tooth. You put two cubes of sugar in your coffee and you're enjoying the cinnamon buns very much." He explained. Darn, does this guy counted how much food I ate? I realized that I was eating without reservations, I suddenly put my fork down.

"I'm sorry that's not what I meant. Please continue eating. It's refreshing to see a lady enjoying her food." He said apologetically.

"Who doesn't enjoy the food especially when it's free?" I blurted.  He shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

We, by means I, finished the food he had ordered. As he mentioned earlier, he drove me back to work. I was hesitant at first but the bus schedule from here to Potomac would take a longer time. I did not want to be late for work. We arrived at Tony's ten minutes earlier than my eleven AM shift. He carefully parked his black Porsche at almost the same spot I saw his car last night.

"Did you follow us to the club last night?" I bravely asked him before getting out of the car.

"What if I say, yes?" He answered looking in my eyes. I was instantaneously speechless. I heard him laughing lowly.

"So what time are you off from work tonight?" He asked with his green eyes still smiling at me.

"Around ten thirty." I said. He unfastened my seatbelt. I was frozen when his arm brushed my belly.

"All right, I will see you later." He informed me.

"O- okay. Thank you for the breakfast." I said stuttering. Carlisle suddenly caressed my face and kissed me light. I ran out of breath, again. I did not push him nor  wasn't I moving. He pressed his lips against mine more intense this time. My body responded to his kiss, again.

"You can open your eyes now. I don't want to be the reason you're late for work." Carlisle said only inches away from my face." I was blushing. If his gazes could melt, I have melted a long time ago. He went out of the car and once again, opened the door for me.

"I'll see you tonight." He said as I walked away from the parking lot.

"Who's that?" Billy, the cook at Tony's asked. He must have seen me getting out of Carlisle's car.

"A friend." I answered as plainly as possible while punching in my time card. Billy pouted at me. I went to see my locker. I sighed of relief when I saw I still have clean extra uniform and shirt stored inside. I quickly went to the toilet and change. I re- tied my hair and put on a hair net. I saw myself in the mirror. My eyebags were darker. I need more sleep. I went to the dining hall and started to do my job.

There were only few customers. It must have been because it's Christmas tomorrow. Most of our regular customers were away for the holiday. I remembered, Tony's would be closed for Christmas. I would be alone like most of my Christmases.

"Hey, Adriana. What's your plan for tomorrow?" Edith asked me. She had been the oldest waitress in Tony's. She worked here when it first opened in thirteen years ago.

"Nothing. I'd stay home. Maybe bingewatching or reading books would do. Probably, I'll sleep the whole day." I answered. She had been genuinely sweet to me.

"I told you, you can spend your Christmas with us." Edith said. She had been inviting me over to their house.

"I do not want to impose, Edith but I was already in your house last Thanksgiving and it did not turn out so well." I answered remembering how her abusive husband acted the last time. He was so drunk, he chased all of us away.

"But Fred has changed. He promised to be better. I don't want you to be alone on Christmas. Come on, celebrate it with us." Edith was persistent.

"I love you Edith, but no thanks. Don't worry, I'd be fine." I smiled at her.

"Okay, if you said so. But give me a call if you change your mind. My house is always open for you." She told me.  I nodded at her and went to a customer who raised her hand to get an order.

The time quickly passed by. Before I knew it, it was already closing time. Carlisle hadn't slipped my mind. He said he would go back to hear my answers regarding his job offer. I haven't have any answer for him now. I wanted to take his offer because it would help financially but somehow, I felt like there's a hidden agenda about  his offer. I also forgot to get Carlisle's number so I could follow up anything about my keys. Even Christine was absent from work today. I called my landlady about getting her spare keys but she said, she'd be back after New Year. What an unfortunate series of events.

"Hey, Adriana. Lets split the tip." Edith called me from the kitchen door.

"So, how much are we sharing tonight?" I politely asked. I needed every dime now.

"Thirty- six fifty." Tom answered. He was the other cook aside from Billy. He used to work during the last shift.

"Well, better than nothing. By the way, Tony said, he'll give a little present to us. He'd add it to our next pay check." Edith added.

"Well, better than nothing." I immitated Edith. Although at the back of my mind, I was sure it was only fifty dollars. Beggars cannot be choosers.

I decided to get all things from my locker. I might need them now that I might ask Edith or Christine if I could stay for a night each in their houses. I hope my landlady would get back to D. C. as early as possible.

"Hey, Adriana, let's lock up this place. By the way, a man is waiting for you outside." Tony yelled from the front door. That must be Carlisle.

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