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~The Next Day~

((Sam's POV))

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Mike standing there. "Good afternoon, sleepyhead." Mike said. "Afternoon? What time is it?" I asked as I sat up in the bed. "Twelve fifteen." Mike told me. "Oh." I said blankly. "Yeah... um... yesterday you said that you would tell me why we left Brennen's early, so I was wondering if you could tell me now?" Mike asked me and I sighed.

"So... you know Colby? Brennen's boyfriend?" I asked. "Yeah. What about him?" Mike was confused. "Well... I used to date him. He was the one that cheated on me..." I felt myself start to tear up. "Oh, Sammy. If you told me sooner, then we would've came back here. We didn't have to stay with them." Mike said. "Yeah but the thing is, when we went to their house, I went upstairs to one of the rooms because I lived there when Colby and I were together, and we started talking, and then he said that he still loved me and I guess that I got too caught up in the moment so I kissed him." I admitted, while now crying into my hands.

I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up at Mike, and he pulled away. "Are you mad?" I asked while wiping my tears. "No, of course not. I just want to know if you still love him? It's fine if you do. I just want you to be honest with me." Mike said. "I... I think that I do. I didn't realize until last night though..." I told him truthfully. "You should go and be with him." Mike said. "Wh-what?" I asked, a bit shocked. "You should go back and be with him. You guys are meant to be together." He smiled. "What about you?" I asked. "I'll find someone else." Mike shrugged. "We can still be friends though. Right?" He nodded his head, "Of course we can."

I wrapped my arms around him, with a big smile on my face. "Thank you so much!" I squeezed him tightly. "No problem. Anything to make you happy." Mike hugged me back.

I quickly pulled away from the hug got changed ((outfit at the top)), then put all of my belongings into bags. "Bye Mike. Thanks for everything." I said then kissed his cheek. "Bye, Sam. I'll miss you." He smiled. "I'll miss you too." I gave Mike a hug and he hugged back, then I left the apartment and headed to my car. I put all of my bags in the trunk, then I got into the drivers seat, and started to drive to Colby's house.

I'm not going to lie, I was really nervous. What am I going to do about Brennen? Surely Colby likes me more than Brennen. Right? Yeah. I hope so.

I just kept taking deep breaths as I drove, and by the time that I got there, I was fine.

I parked my car on the road since there was a gate and I didn't know the password, then I hopped it. I noticed that there was only one car in the driveway, and it was Colby's. I knew that because he still had his 2012 red Toyota Corolla. I thought that Brennen might be out somewhere, so I don't have to worry about him for now.

I walked up to the front door, and knocked on the door three times. I heard movement before I knocked, and now it stopped. A few seconds later, I heard footsteps coming closer to the door, then I became face to face with not Colby, but Cole.

His eyes were more of a darker shade of grey, and they were also red and puffy. It looked like he was crying.

I didn't have time to say anything. He just smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt Cole smile as we continued to kiss, but he pulled away.

"What about Mike?" He asked. "I ended things with him..." I told Cole. "Why?" He gave me a confused look. "Because I don't love him... I love you." I said as I looked into his eyes, which were filling up with tears. "I love you so much, Sammy." Cole engulfed me in a hug, then burried his head into the crook of my neck. "Please never leave again." He sniffled with his head still burried. "I promise I won't." I kissed his head.

We were silent for a minute or so, but then I spoke up, "Cole?" I said. "Yeah?" He responded as he removed his head from my neck and looked at me. "Could I talk to Colby please? We can continue this after." I asked. Cole frowned but nodded, then he closed his eyes, and when he opened them back up, they were blue.

"Hey..." Colby said nervously. "Hi..." I responded in the same tone of voice. "D-do you love me? Or just Cole? I'll understand if you don't like me but-" I cut him off by placing my lips onto his. Colby kissed back almost immediately. I pulled away after a few seconds, "Does that answer your question?" I asked while smirking. "I think that you might need to do it again just so I'm 100% sure about the answer." Colby bit his lip. I chuckled, then kissed him again.

I forgot what this felt like; kissing Colby. I felt fireworks going off in my stomach, and electricity flowing through us.

I pulled away and leaned my forehead up against Colby's. "I love you, Colbs." I said quietly. "I love you too, Sammy." Colby said back.

This time, I knew that he meant it.


((For those people who think that they're back together... your wrong. Not yet... but soon 🙂))

982 words


Two Lovers // Solby✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora