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((Just to let you all know, Jake and Corey won't be in the book anymore I don't think, so it will just be Sam, Colby, and Cole and maybe some other ppl if I decide to add some))



~2 Months Later~

After that one day with Sam and Cole over a month ago, Cole has never come back. The only person that he talked to was Colby, because they could have mental conversations.

Colby has helped Sam with everything, and not mentioning anything that happened that day.

Sam is now walking down the stairs, and then went into the kitchen and got a glass of water.

When Sam went into the kitchen, he saw Colby sitting on the kitchen counter, on his phone, but he didn't seem to notice Sam.

After Sam finished his water, he grabbed an apple, and ate it. He then heard Colby sigh, so  he turned and looked at him. He was looking down at his phone.

"Are you okay, Colbs?" Sam asked while walking closer to him. Colby jumped, then looked up at Sam, with grey eyes.

Sam noticed the fimiliar grey orbs, and realized that this was Cole, and not Colby.

Neither of them knew what to say since it has been over two months since they've seen eachother.

The two of them stared at eachother for a solid minute, before turning away.

Cole sighed, then stood up and hugged Sam tightly. Sam was im slight shock, but he hugged back.

"Sorry..." Cole said then kissed Sam's shoulder, and still hugging him. "For what?" Sam asked as he pulled away from the hug.

Cole looked at Sam, and started to fiddle with his hands. "For like... disappearing that night..." Cole said while scratching the back of his neck. "I wanted to- um- like let you heal, and I didn’t want to get in between you and Colby and stuff..." He told Sam while looking down.

"It's fine, Cole. You don't need to be sorry. And no one can come between Colby and I." Sam said as he lifted up Cole's chin.

Cole looked into Sam's eyes, "are you sure?" He asked. Sam nodded his head, "I'm sure." Cole smiled, and Sam smiled back.

After a few seconds of complete silence, Cole cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. "I'm gonna- um- let Colby take o-over." He said a bit nervously.

"Oh- um- okay..." Sam bit his lip slightly. "I- uh- bye I guess." Cole said and glanced at Sam's lips. "Yeah... Bye." Sam gave Cole a small smile, not noticing what he did.

Cole closed his eyes, and a few seconds later he opened his eyes again to reveal blue eyes.

"Hey, Colbs." Sam said once he saw Colby's eyes. "Hey, Sammy." Colby smiled. "He misses you even if he won't admit it." Colby then said.

Sam chuckled, "tell him that I miss him too." Colby nodded. "Wanna cuddle?" Sam smiled. "Yes please."

Colby took Sam's hand, and they went upstairs to Colby's room. Colby layed on the bed, and Sam layed on top of him.

"Hey, baby?" Colby said while looking at Sam. "Yeah?" He responded without looking at Colby. "I kinda wanna finish what we started two months ago..." Sam looked up at him. "Me too."


Colby smiled then kissed Sam passionately and lovingly. Sam returned it, and bit Colby's lip asking for entrance.

Colby opened his mouth slightly, then Sam shoved his tounge into Colby's mouth, making Colby let out a small moan. Sam smirked, then started to grind on Colby. 

Colby moaned more, then started to get hard. Sam started to kiss down Colby's neck, until he found Colby's sweet spot.

Colby gripped the bed sheets, and moaned loudly, as Sam sucked on Colby's sweet spot. Then, Sam removed his lips from Colby's neck, and started to take off Colby's shirt and did the same to him.

Sam kissed down Colby's body, leaving hickey's all over, while Colby ran his hand through Sam's hair.

Sam stopped kissing Colby, then started to take off his pants, then his own pants and lastly their boxers.

Colby started to whine at the loss of contact. Sam smirked then began to kiss down Colby's v-line.

Colby's breath hitched in his once Sam reached his d*ck. Sam started to suck on the tip of it, and Colby arched his back and moaned loudly.

Then Sam started to bite Colby's d*ck softly, and Colby bit his lip and whined a bit. Sam stopped sucking and started kissing on areas around it.

"Oh, God..." Colby moaned. Sam then shoved Colby's whole d*ck into his mouth. "Baby..." Colby moaned as he grabbed onto Sam's hair.

"I'm gonna-" Before Colby could finish what he was saying, he cummed inside of Sam's mouth.

Sam swallowed it then flopped down beside Colby, the two of them trying to catch their breaths.


"That was amazing." Colby said after he was breathing normally again. "Yeah it was." Sam agreed.

A few minutes later, Colby got out of the bed, and picked Sam up in his arms then went into the bathroom and placed Sam on the counter.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked Colby after he turned on the shower. "We are taking a shower." Colby said while standing in between Sam's legs.

"I was gonna go to sleep." Sam let out a small yawn. "Oh well, you will be okay." Colby laughed then kissed Sam's cheek.

"You're lucky that I love you." Sam chuckled. "You better." Colby smiled. Sam pecked Colby's lips, "let's hurry with the shower so that we can sleep." He said.

Colby sighed, "baby... Cole wants to... Um- uh..." Sam gave Colby a confused look, "what?" He asked.

Then Colby said, "wantstotakeashowerwithyou." He said it so fast that Sam could not understand. "Can you say that again please?"

Colby closed his eyes, then when he opened them again, Sam noticed that Cole was now taking over.

"I want to take a shower with you." He said with his eyes on Sam. "Ummm... Is Colby okay with it?" Sam asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"He is hesitant about it, but doesn't want to take the chance away if you want it." Sam thought for a few seconds before responding. "Sure." He said.

Cole was surprised because he thought that Sam wouldn't agree. "Wait really? Like naked and all that?" Sam shrugged, "you said that Colby doesn't want to take the chance away if I wanted it..."

Cole nodded, "and you want it?" He asked. "Kind of..." Sam said while blushing. Cole smirked then pulled Sam off of the counter, and into the shower.

Cole pinned Sam against the shower wall, and looked into Sam's eyes. "Can we?" He asked, a few centimeters away from Sam's lips. Sam nodded his head, then Cole placed his lips softly onto Sam's, and Sam returned the kiss. ((Then you guys know what happens next 😏😏))


((I ain't doin two smut scenes))

1181 words


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