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~The Next Morning~

When Sam woke up, he fluttered his eyes open and looked at Cole, who was reading a book with Sam on his chest.

Sam rolled off of Cole, put on a hoodie, and went downstairs. Cole set his book down and watched Sam, then continued to read.

When Sam came back up, Cole was still reading, but he was now on his stomach.

Sam flopped down on the bed beside Cole, then Cole kissed the side of his head and continued reading.

"What are you reading?" Sam asked. Cole didn't say anything, he just showed Sam the cover, which read, “Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire”

"Oooo cool. What part are you on?" Sam said while looking at some of the words. "Chapter 23." Cole responded while he kept reading.

Sam nodded his head, and looked up at the ceiling. Cole then reached over and played with Sam's hair. "So, what happened last night?" Cole asked.

"Hm?" Sam looked over. "Last night?" Cole said while finally putting his book down. Sam thought for a bit. "Oh, um, I uh had a dream where Colby was abusing me, and being mean to me... I know that he wouldn't do that to me in real life, so I don't know why I dreamt that..." Sam sighed.

"You sure it wasn't me?" Cole asked. "Yeah, I'm sure." Sam nodded, then Cole just zoned out.

Sam waved his hand in Cole's face to get his attention, and it worked. "Colby's really hurt, Sam." Cole said once he snapped back into reality.

Sam put his head in his hands. "This is all my fault. He probably hates me now." Sam said as he started to tear up.

"No, no, no. He is just sad. Colby thought maybe you would be scared of me, but never of him." Cole kissed Sam's cheek.

Sam looked at Cole with tears rolling down his face. "Hey no shhh..." Cole wiped Sam's tears. "Sam I thought I was supposed to be mean and your making it really hard." Cole then said, trying to get a laugh out of Sam.

"I'm sorry-y I j-just feel b-bad fo-for hur-hurting Colby's fee-feelings." Sam sobbed.

"It's okay, Sammy." Cole said while he rubbed Sam's back. "No-o it's no-ot." Sam kept crying.

"Yes it is." Cole kissed Sam softly. "C-can you see i-if Colby wi-will le-let me talk to-o him?" Sam wiped his eyes.

Cole nodded his head, and closes his eyes. When he opened them, they were blue.

Sam saw that his eyes were blue, then immediately hugs him.

Colby hugged back and burried his head into Sam's neck.

"I am so so so sorry." Sam cried. "Don't be, I'm okay." Colby comforted Sam. "A-are you s-sure?" Sam looked at Colby.

"Yes I'm sure." Colby pecked Sam's nose, then Sam kissed Colby's lips, and Colby kissed back.

Sam pulled away, then hugged Colby again. Colby hugged back, then Sam slipped into his little headspace.

"Daddy." Sam looked at Colby. "Yes?" Colby looked back. "I wove woo." Colby smiled. "Baby, I hate to say it," Colby let out a small laugh, "but Cole wants to finish his book, and he's very dedicated about it, too."

Sam frowned. "Can we cwuddle after?" He asked. "You don't wanna cuddle with him while he's reading?" 

"Yeahhhh, but I wanna cwuddle wif woo too." Sam pouted a bit. Colby looked away for a second, and started talking to Cole,

Fine whatever *sighs*

Hey, you have been taking over a lot though-

~Blocks connection~

Colby winced, then turned back to Sam. "Let's cuddle, baby." Sam smiled. "Yay!" Colby put on a fake smile, then pulled Sam close.

Sam didn't see Colby's fake smile, so he wrapped his arms around Colby's body, and snuggled into his chest.

Colby kissed the top of Sam's head and layed his , then Sam smiled as he closed his eyes. A few seconds later, Colby sighed, and looked at the wall.

Sam looked up at him. "Are you okay, daddy?" He asked. "Yeah..." Colby responded. "Woo sure?" Colby nodded. "It's not me that's not okay."

"Who is it?" Sam asked, confused. Colby closed his eyes, and shook his head. "Just cuddle, Sam." Colby told him.

"Otay." Sam closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

~A Few Hours Later~

Sam woke up, and was hungry, so he turned to Colby who was beside him on the bed. "Daddy?" Sam said. "Hm?" Colby looked over.

"I hungy." Sam pouted. Colby kissed Sam's pout, then picked him up and went downstairs.

"I want pancakes pwease." Sam asked as they went into the kitchen. "Okay." Colby set Sam down on a chair, then started to make the pancakes.

Sam sat on the chair, and rocked back and forth while waiting for Colby to be done the pankakes.

Colby soon finished, and put them on a plate. "Here you go." He said and handed them to Sam. "Tank woo!" Sam smiled then ate them. Colby just leaned against the counter, watching Sam eat.

"Dat was wummy." Sam smiled as he finished. Colby just nodded, then went onto his phone. "Daddy." Sam said with a serious look.

"Mhm?" Colby looked back up. "Why woo no wook happy? What's wrong?" Sam asked and crossed his arms.

"I'm fine. I told you, it's not me." Colby sighed. "Who not happy?" Sam pouted. "Nevermind..." Colby said then rubbed his eyes.

Sam jumped down from the chair, then went upstairs into his room, and Colby stayed downstairs.


((I can't wait to write the next chapter 😉🤭))

949 words


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