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~The Next Day~

It was now Sunday, and both Sam and Colby had the same feeling they did a couple days ago. They didn't know why they felt like something was going to happen. They had butterflies, and felt a bit nervous. I guess you could also say that they felt a bit confused too, because they didn't know why the felt like this.

At Sam and Mike's apartment,

"Is everything okay, Sam?" Mike asked. "Yeah. I've just been feeling a bit weird for some reason." Sam shrugged. "It's probably nothing though." Sam added. "Hopefully... oh and don't forget that we are going out tonight." Mike reminded Sam, and he nodded.

Over at Colby and Brennen's,

"Hey, Colby. I'm sorry about what I did to you yesterday. I shouldn't have gotten all angry." Brennen apologized. "It's okay. I know that you get angry easily so I shouldn't have yelled that much." Colby also apologized even though he's not sorry.

Brennen smiled, then kissed Colby ((🤮)) and he kissed back. Everytime they kiss, it doesn't really mean anything to Colby; he doesn't feel anything. Yeah sure he likes Brennen, but does he like Brennen the way that Brennen likes Colby? I don't think so.

The truth is, Colby's only dating Brennen to get over Sam. Colby did like Brennen when they first got together, but it wasn't anything like the love that Colby had (and still has) for Sam; whatever Colby felt for Brennen, is gone.

"Remember that we're going out with my friend and his boyfriend tonight." Brennen said to Colby, and he nodded. "And maybe... the four of us can come back here and do a little something..." Brennen smirked and winked at Colby, who went wide-eyed.

Brennen walked away from Colby, chuckling, while Colby stood there, watching Brennen go upstairs.

~Time skip bc I can~

((Colby's POV))

Both Brennen I were done getting ready for when we go out. I was really nervous for some reason but I don't know why. I've felt like this for a while. Anyways. This is what I decided to wear:

 This is what I decided to wear:

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((Minus the facial hair))

I looked in the mirror and admired how good I looked, then went on my phone after that because I am bored and have nothing to do.

((Sam's POV))

Mike and I were almost done getting ready to go out. We just had to finish getting changed.

I took out my clothes, and put them on:

I took out my clothes, and put them on:

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((Pretend it's blonde Sam))

After I finished changing, I went on my phone for a few minutes before Mike came over to me.

"Hey. Let's go now." He said. I nodded then we left our apartment; Mike locked the door behind us. "You look amazing by the way." Mike smiled as we walked to his car. "Thanks. You do too." I smiled back.

We got into Mike's car, him driving and me in the passenger seat, then he drove us to a restaurant.

"We have a reservation for four," Mike said once we got inside, "it should be under the name of Mike." He added. The hostess nodded, "right this way." She smiled and lead us to our table. Mike's friend and his boyfriend weren't here yet; it was only 5:15pm.

We were sat in a booth. I was in the corner, and Mike was on the outside beside me. The two of us waited for another 20 minutes. I was on my phone when I heard someone say, "sorry we're late." I looked up and saw a guy with kinda brown medium length hair, and a goatee. Beside him was a guy with-

Oh. My. God...


((s o l b y))

659 words


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