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((Colby's POV))

Sam has been acting a bit weird all night. I don't know if it's because I'm here, or something else, but right now he's acting the weirdest he's been so far. Actually... I don't know if I would call it weird. Maybe strange? I honestly don't know how to explain it. But, the thing is, Mike isn't even taking notice Sam. He's too busy talking to Brennen. Yeah I know that they're friends, but Sam is his boyfriend for God sakes.

"Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom." Sam said to Mike, who let him pass. I sighed while taking out my phone since I was done eating, and just did nothing on it really.

About maybe 7 minutes has passed, and Sam isn't back yet. I turned to Brennen and said, "hey, can you please move for a sec? I need to go to the bathroom." Brennen nodded and stood up and moved out of my way so that I could leave.

I walked into the bathroom, and luckily no one was in there except for Sam. I saw one of the stall doors closed, and feet on the ground. "Sam?" I called out, while walking towards the stall. Then, I heard a quiet voice say, "Wes?" coming from the stall.

'Is Sam in his little headspace? I thought that would've stopped happening to him by now...' I let out a low sigh, and walked closer to the stall again, now not being able to walk any farther. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Wes." He responded shortly after.

I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I just stood there. After some time, I said, "Okay, Sam. I'm gonna go now," while slowly walking away. "Otay..." Sam said. I walked out of the bathroom and back to our table. Brennen let me back in my seat, and then I just sat there.

A few minutes later, Sam finally came back, and he wasn't in his little headspace. "Sorry I took so long." Sam said as he sat back down in his seat. "It's fine. Oh, and we're going back to Brennen and Colby's place after this." Mike told Sam. He smiled slightly and nodded.

The four of us talked for a bit before we payed (Brennen and Mike shared the bill) and we left. Brennen and I went into my car, and Sam and Mike went into there's, then we drove back to our house and they followed us.

The four of us arrived, and got out of our cars. Mike and Brennen went right inside, with me close behind them, but then I noticed that Sam wasn't following us. I looked behind me and saw him standing in one spot, looking up at the house. "I don't want to come in." He said without looking at me. "Please? It's going to get cold." I told Sam. I saw him roll his eyes, then he walked into the house, and I followed behind him.

Sam and I went into the living room because that's where Mike and Brennen were. They were just talking. We both sat down on the couch, and just listened to their conversation, while also joining in during parts.

Not too long after, I saw Sam get up off of the couch, and head upstairs. Me being curious, I followed him, and ended up by his old room. I went into my room, and got the key for the lock. "Here." I said while handing it to him. "Thanks." Sam muttered then unlocked the door.

He stepped in the room, then looked around. "It looks the same..." Sam said. "Yeah. I didn't want to change anything." I told him. There was an awkward tension between us, but it was a good type of awkward. Does that make sense?

"I only took out some of your things and put them in my room." I said. There was silence for a couple minutes, but then Sam turned to me with tears falling down his face.

"Why did you do it?" He asked. Knowing what he meant, I sighed then said, "I was jealous." Sam gave me a confused look, "Why were jealous? Jealous of what?" I started to tear up. "I was jealous that you loved Cole more than you loved me!" I sat on the bed, and put my head in my hands. "Why? You said that it's okay if I liked both sides of you because you're basically the same person." I looked up at Sam and saw that his eyes were red. "I know that! It's not my fault!" I got a bit angry for some reason, so I kind of yelled. I hope Brennen and Mike didn't hear.

Sam looked a bit hurt at my sudden outburst. "Sam... I'm sorry... After you left I've been just a f*cking mess, and I don't know what to do in my life anymore." More tears fell from my face. "Why should I forgive you, after what you did to me?" Sam asked with tears also falling from his face. I was silent. "Exactly." He scoffed then sat on the other side of the bed.

We didn't say a word to each other for a while, but then I broke the silence, "I need to tell you something." Sam looked at me. "Do you remember when I said that Cole told me to do it?" I asked. "How could I forget?" He rolled his eyes then looked away. "Well... I was lying..." I saw Sam look back at me again, with a confused look on his face. "Cole was telling me not to do it. He tried to tell me that you loved me so much, and that you were going to to be so hurt. I was just so angry and jealous to realize." I sniffled a bit.

Again, silence fell between us, but this time, Sam broke it, "C-can I see C-Cole?" He asked. "I don't know... I haven't talked to him since you left, and he hasn't came out at all..." I told Sam, then saw his face fall. "I can try though..." Sam started to smile a bit, which made me happier.

I tried to talk to Cole,


Cole please answer

I know you're there

Sam really wants to see you

Can you please just come out?

Don't you care about Sam?

I would try to make him happy but he kinda hates me right now


Fine... I guess I'm going to have to tell Sam that you don't wanna see him..


I want to see him

Colby please

I miss him so much

Okay, but you can't kiss him or do anything like that

Okay, I'll try not to

I'm serious

Yeah, I know. Just let me see him!


"He wants to see you." I said to Sam. I saw him smile more. "So, can I?" He asked with pleading eyes. "Yeah, hang on..." I closed my eyes, then when I opened them back up, Cole was taking over.


((What do you guys think is gonna happen??👀))

1191 words


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