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The next morning, when Sam woke up he wasn't in his little headspace, and Cole wasn't there, so he got up out of bed, threw on a hoodie, then went downstairs.

Once Sam got downstairs, he saw that either Colby or Cole was making breakfast. Sam smiled then walked behind him. "Smells delicious." Sam wrapped his arms around him.

"Good morning, baby." Said Colby's voice. "Good morning, Colbear." Sam kissed the side of Colby's head, and he smiled.

Colby finished making breakfast (he made omelets) then put plates on the table. "We have to shower after this, then we have to get ready to leave." Colby told Sam as they started eating. "Okay." Sam nodded.

"U-um... do you mind i-if we take one together?" Colby asked nervously as he looked up at Sam. "No I don't mind." Sam looked back at Colby and smiled as he looked back down at his food. Colby did the same.

The two of them finished eating, and Sam washed both of their plates and utensils. "I cleaned up the house a bit so that we could leave and come back with it clean." Colby said after they were done. "You cleaned?" Sam asked, a bit shocked. "Yes I did." Colby laughed.

Sam and Colby walked upstairs and went into their own rooms to get clothes, then went into the bathroom.

Colby turned on the shower, and Sam sat up on the sink counter. Colby then closed the door, locked it, and stood between Sam's legs and kissed him, with his hands resting on Sam's thighs.

Sam smiled as he returned the kiss, and slid his hands down to Colby's butt. Colby then pulled away and took off Sam's shirt, with Sam doing the same to Colby.

They then started to take off each other's pants and boxers, which left them butt naked.

Colby lifted Sam up and brought him into the shower, while kissing him. Then they did the deed in the shower ((Okay? Okay.))

They soon got out of the shower, then dried off and got changed. "I went easy and held back cause I need you to walk." Colby laughed. "Thanks." Sam also laughed.

Colby looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "What's wrong?" Sam asked. "My hair..." Colby said while playing around with it a bit. "There's nothing wrong with it." Sam told him. "It's plain." Colby sighed again. "Then dye it." Sam suggested. "I can't. We have to be at the airport in," Colby checked the time, "an hour and a half." He said. "Then dye it when we get back." Sam shrugged. "Okay."

They left the bathroom. Colby went and got their bags, while Sam went downstairs and just stood their and waited for Colby to come down.

When Colby came down, he had a few bags in his arms. He put them on the ground so that he could get his car keys to start his car.

After Colby did that, he picked the bags back up and put them in the trunk. Sam just followed him.

"You could help." Colby looked at Sam. "What do you need help with?" Sam gave Colby an innocent smile. "I don't know. Maybe putting the bags in the car?" Colby sighed. "Okay." Sam grabbed a couple of bags then put them in the trunk, and went back inside.

Colby was checking around the house to see if he forgot anything, but then remembered that he had packed a little space bag for Sam, and it was sitting underneath his bed. So, Colby went and got it then brought it downstairs.

"Baby, you ready?" Colby asked Sam after he knew that everything was in the trunk. "Yep! Are you?" Sam returned the question. Colby nodded then he walked outside. "C'mon. I gotta lock the door." Colby said to Sam.

Once both Sam and Colby were outside, Colby locked the door and the two of them got into Colbys car.

After they pulled out of the driveway, Sam turned on the radio and started singing along to the song that was playing. Colby joined in as well.

Around 45 minutes later, they arrived at the airport. The two if them got their bags, then went through all of the airport security sh!t whatever it's called, and made it to their seats just before the plane took off.

Sam slipped into his little headspace. "Daddy?" Sam looked at Colby. "Yes, Sammy?" Colby held Sam's hand. "I scared." Sam pouted. "Okay, baby boy." Colby held Sam's hand tightly, and wrapped an arm around him until the plane was off of the ground.

After the plane was in the air, Sam layed his head on Colby's shoulder, and Colby layed his head on Sam's head, then they fell asleep.

~Lil time skip~

When Sam woke up, the plane was about to land, so he shook Colby awake. "Hm?" He said as we woke up. "Pwane bout to wand." Sam told Colby. "You scared again?" Colby asked and Sam nodded. Sam and Colby did the same thing they did before lift off.

"Tank woo." Sam said after they landed. "No problem, Sammy." Colby kissed Sam's cheek and he smiled, "When we gwet off?" Sam asked. "Right now." Colby told Sam as he stood up. "Otay," Sam also stood up, "Woo need help?" Colby nodded, "Yes please."

"Pwass me bwags pwease." Sam reached out for a bag, and Colby gave him one. "Tank woo, daddy." Sam thanked Colby. "You're welcome." Colby smiled.

They got off of the plane, and went through all of the boring security things again. "Where we goin now?" Sam asked once they left the airport. "You'll see." Colby said as he lead them to rental cars. "Otaayyyyy." Sam sighed.

They approached a big black van that Colby rented, and put all of their things in it the  they hopped in, Colby in the front and Sam sitting behind him.

Colby looked at Sam, "Where are you back there?" He asked. "I no old enowgh to sit in fwont." Sam told Colby. "Get up here, I'm lonely." Colby laughed. "Otay." Sam got out of the van, then went to the passenger side and sat there.

Colby smiled as he started driving to where they would be staying.


((I don't have a specific place that they're at, but they're at some sort of Island and are going to be staying at a beach house type of thing))

1079 words


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