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((Sam's POV))

I can't believe it; it was Colby. He was looking right at me. I looked away from him, not wanting to see his face, and went on my phone.

"Hey, Brenn!" I heard Mike say, then heard him getting out of his seat. "What's up, Mike?" I heard Mike's friend say. "Nothing much. What about you?" Mike responded. "Same thing." Mike's friend agreed.

"So. Who's this." Mike asked his friend I'm guessing. "This is my boyfriend Colby." Hearing that name made me feel angry, sad, and another emotion that I can't really explain. "Who's that?" Mike's friend asked. "This is Sam." I looked up at Mike's friend and smiled a fake smile. "Hi Sam. I'm Brennen." I nodded then looked back down at my phone, after taking a quick glance at Colby.

I heard the three of them sit down. I let out a quiet sigh, turning off my phone, knowing that I can't be on it the whole time. I looked up in front of me, and Colby was sitting across from me, and looking at me. I looked everywhere except him. Luckily, our waitress came shortly after.

"Hi, there! My name's Katrina, and I will be your waitress for tonight!" She smiled at all of us, then looked at me, bit her bottom lip , licked her lips, and smirked. I started to feel uncomfortable. "Um, sorry, but he's gay." I heard Colby say. I quickly shot my head towards him, then back at the waitress. "I-I... um... I'm going to get you guys a new waiter..." She said then walked away.

"Thanks." I gave Colby a small smile. "No problem." He returned it. "Was she trying to flirt with you?" Mike asked me and I nodded. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and we waited for our new waiter.

"Hello!" We all heard someone say, so we looked over and saw a girl standing there, "Sorry about Katrina. She's a bit desperate to find a boyfriend. Anyways. I'm Alyssa and I'm going to be your waitress tonight." She smiled.

Alyssa took our orders, then walked away.

"So. Sam. How long have you and Mike been together for?" Brennen asked me. "About one and half years. My ex cheated on me." I glared at Colby. "Oh, no. That's awful. You definitely deserved better than that." Brennen said but it didn't sound like he meant it. "And he did get better than that." Mike said then kissed the side of my head.

"Colby's ex cheated on him also. He was so sad after." After Brennen said that, I looked at Colby with an 'are you serious?' look on my face. "Really? He got cheated on? Not the other way around?" I asked. "Yeah. Colby would never cheat on anyone." Brennen said, which got me angry. I didn't show it though.

While we waited for our food, we talked about random things. I wasn't really talking or listening. I was just looking around and day dreaming. I only snapped back into reality when I saw my dinner get placed in front of me. I looked up at the waitress and smiled, "Thanks."

While I was eating, I felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw Colby looking at me, again. I was starting to get a little annoyed, but I just kept eating. I was the first one done, so I just there and watched everyone else eat because there's nothing else to do.

For some reason, my eyes kept moving in the direction of Colby. Why? I'm not sure. While he was eating at his food, I was looking at him, then I felt myself start to slowly slip into my little headspace. Something I hadn't done since I left Colby.

I tried to snap out of it, but I couldn't. "Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom." I said to Mike and he nodded then stood up so that I could pass him. I walked to the bathroom, went into one of the stalls and just sat on the toilet seat, while letting myself slip into my little headspace.

I started to suck on my thumb, and rock back and forth on the seat. I was probably like that for maybe a bit over 5 minutes.

I only stopped doing that when I heard a fimiliar voice say, "Sam?"


((Who do you think it's gonna be??))

738 words


Two Lovers // Solby✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें