Chapter 22 Who Is It?

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Y/N's POV-

       I ran in the direction Wonho did but it was too confusing to follow his track since I lost him. There were many alleyways around that led to more alleyways. The whole place was like a maze and it made my head spin. I halted and rested my hands on my knees, bending down to catch my breath. I panted heavily, looking around to see if Wonho or those men were around but no one was there. I couldn't hear anything either.

"Wonho!" I called out, hoping to hear something in response.

"Wonho! where are you?!" I yelled as loud as I could.

'Maybe he's too far away. But what if he got caught?' I thought. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if they got him. He wasn't supposed to get into all this trouble. I pulled my phone out and called him. There was no answer, nor was there any sound of his ringtone. If he was anywhere in this maze, I should have been able to hear his ringtone but there was complete silence. If he did get caught, they would shoot him and that would make some sound too. There was just no sign of life there other than me.

'It's like they just disappeared,' I thought. My eyes widened as I realised it. 'Or maybe they did!' I thought. I tried calling him again only to hear the response "The number you have dialled does not exist." I got chills down my spine as I heard that. 'Wonho went back to the future with them!' I concluded. 'But what happens then? If he got caught and they're with him, what will happen to him? He can never come back-'

"Y/N?!" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around to see Shownu standing there. He was panting heavily as if he had run for a while.


"You came? Are you hurt?! Did they find you?!" He asked.

I shook my head as I was too shocked to speak.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. They had a gun and they threatened me to call you or they would kill you," He said.

"It's okay but how do they know about you?" I asked after a little pause.

"I don't know, I've never seen them. They just barged into my apartment and pointed a gun at me. Some of them stayed back to keep a watch on me and some of them left, that was why I didn't call you back to warn you." He said.

"Are you okay then? How did you get here?" I asked.

"I just shook them off and ran to find you here." He answered.

"Who are they? What do they want from you?" He asked.

"It's... a watch. A watch that can make you time-travel. They knew I had it," I said.

"And Wonho-" I stopped midsentence as I realised something.

"Wonho? Y/N what about him?" Shownu asked.

'I have a watch that can time travel! You idiot, you can save Wonho!' I quickly got up as soon as I realised that.

"Shownu, I have to go. I have to save Wonho!" I said and started running in the direction where we came from.

"Y/N!" I heard Shownu say my name behind me but I ignored it and kept running.

      My heart hurt and my voice caught up in my throat. It was my fault he had to go back. He could have stayed here with Shownu but he had to go because of me. As I thought about it, my eyes started to sting as tears formed in them and started to flow down my cheeks.


     I opened the car door and got off before closing the door. I quickly dashed in through the gate after paying. I opened the door to find Hyungwon standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me.

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