Chapter 10 To Face The Past And The Future

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      The next day, I went to college before going to work. I didn't get into any trouble because of skipping yesterday. The owner even asked me if I would like to go home early today. I denied and he told me to take care of my health. People really trusted me too much some times. I texted Hyungwon to ask him if he was done fixing the watch and if he'd want to give it back to me before going to work but he didn't reply.

After the cafe was closed, I checked my phone and saw that he had texted me. I opened the chat.

Hyungwon: Yeah, I'm done. (5:56)

Hyungwon: Can you meet me at the Spring park at 7:30? (5:56)

Y/N: Sure, I'll be there. (7:25)

      The time was 7:25 now. The park was not so far from the cafe so it didn't take me more than five minutes to reach there. As I reached the park, I saw that Hyungwon was already there waiting for me. He was sitting on a bench beside a tree, staring off into the sky.

"Hyungwon," I called out.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression as I approached him.

"Hey, how have you been?" I asked.

"Fine as usual." He said.

"Hmm, so you wanna get something to eat?" I asked.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little," I said.

"Then you can pick where you want to eat." He said.

"Ah, let's eat some street food," I suggested.

"Street food...?" He looked confused.

"Yeah, you never had street food?" I asked.

"I did, a long time ago." He said.

"Let me take you around," I said.

       I led him to a street market which was close to there. The markets were usually open late into the night and source for the best street food. The streets were lit and people moving around made it seem lively at night. We made our way through the narrow path in the middle of vendor stalls and small shops.

I turned back to Hyungwon who silently followed me through the street. I chuckled seeing him looking at things in awe.

"It sure is noisy around here." He said.

"Yeah, try not to get lost," I said after a little laugh.

       We went to a Tteokboki stall and I ordered it for both of us. Hyungwon didn't complain but looked as if he wasn't exactly enjoying it. We got out of there and he suddenly stopped at the sight of something. I followed his gaze to see a stall selling shrimp skewers.

"Shrimp skewers..." He said.

"You like those?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Okay then let's get it," I said as I made my way to the shop and ordered.

I gave it to him. He stuffed his cheeks full with the shrimp and chewed on it for a while then repeated.

"I guess you like shrimps," I said.

He said nothing and continued chewing. After a while, we came out of the market and went back to the park for a walk.

"So, you're done with repairing the watch?" I asked.

"About that, I looked into it and realised that there is nothing wrong with this watch to begin with." He said pulling it out of his pocket.

From Zero ⨝ [Chae Hyungwon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now