Chapter 29 Find You

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       I wasted no time in dashing to my apartment. The door was half-open so I pushed it and saw S/N sitting on the floor crying her eyes out. She looked up at me at the sound of my footsteps. She looked taken aback as I stood there frozen.

"Y/N?" She said in a low shaky voice.

I stayed quiet and slowly walked towards her wearing a guilty expression.

"W-why are you- why are you back?" She asked.

I knelt in front of her before pulling her in an embrace softly rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry. I was out of my mind. But I'm here now," I said in a low voice.

I could tell she was shocked as she just sat there. A few seconds later, she wrapped her now weak arms around my back and wept on my shoulder.

"It'll be alright. I'll always be here for you," I said.

She kept crying until she was exhausted. I put her to bed and stayed with her until she fell asleep.

'This should be fine now...' I thought.

      I pushed the crown back to the present. I was back at my apartment. I looked around the house to see S/N but she wasn't there. Confused, I went to her room but it was closed, just like I had left it. I took my phone and called her, only to hear her phone ringing in my bedroom. I frowned walked to my room and heard her ringtone coming from the side table drawer, where I had placed it after she died.

'What is happening?' I started to get worried. I walked to my closet and opened it. I opened up the locker and looked through the papers inside. One of them was her death certificate. 'She... still died?' My face became pale.

      I checked the date, it wasn't June 1st. Instead, it was a few weeks later, with a different cause. Meaning, I failed yet again to save her. But I wasn't going to lose hope. So I got up and dialled the date and time written on the certificate and teleported there.

      I was at my apartment again, in the bathroom. I turned around to be in front of the blood-filled bathtub. S/N's lifeless body lay in there. I saw several cuts on her wrist. I felt tears sting my eyes. I felt like screaming as my breath hitched. My vision became blurry as I fell on my knees. I covered my face trying to not see the horrifying sight in front of me.

"S/N, I'm sorry... I made you go through this... I-I'm so sorry..." I said as my voice hurt my throat. I hated being so helpless.

     Suddenly, there was a strange ringing in my head that only became louder and louder every second. I opened my eyes only to find everything goes white.

      I closed my eyes because of the bright light and opened it after a few seconds. It wasn't as bright now and my vision was getting clearer. I found myself inside a train. But I wasn't alone. He was there. I stood up when I saw Hyungwon standing in front of me. He looked at me with an unreadable expression. He then slowly lifted his hand and wiped away a tear from my face.

I didn't realize I had stopped crying now. I was just confused about what was happening. I just stared at him wide-eyed.

"What did you do?" He asked.

I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I-I tried to save her and..." I said trying to explain.

"And?" He asked.

"Failed..." I said as I felt tears welling up in my eyes once again.

"Go back. Try again, only you can do it. You have to save everyone," He said.

From Zero ⨝ [Chae Hyungwon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now