Chapter 21 Sacrifice

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Y/N's POV-

"Y-You're a little too close," I said.

"Don't move," Hyungwon said moving closer, pinning me to the wall.

"But..." My heart raced and I felt my face hotter.

"Are you sure about what you said earlier?" He said tilting his head.

"Y-Yeah," I said before taking a gulp.

He kept his closeness with me for a minute inspecting my face for any hint of a lie.

"Oh, come on now," I said and slightly pushed him to escape his grasp.

"I told you at least 10 times, I'm not hurt," I said sitting down on the couch.

"I had to see that for myself." Hyungwon sat beside me.

      He glanced at me once before shaking his head and turned to switch on the TV. We came back home after all the drama that happened and I had to listen to him lecture, no, he made me regret life decisions. He could become like a nagging grandpa when something like this happened.

And when I asked him why he cared so much, again the same "I don't know either" came from him. I realised I was staring at him and turned away.

"*sigh*" I sighed.

     Hyungwon looked at me from the corner of his eye. He stood up and went somewhere. I didn't bother until he came back with 2 controllers in his hands. He extended his one hand holding one of the controllers.

"Game?" He said after a pause.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling unwantedly. I looked at him and nodded. 'That's why I like him.'


       I yawned as I got up from the comfortable covers over me. I rubbed my eyes and turned to the side table on which my phone was on. I woke up the next day by the sound of it buzzing. I took it in my hand and saw Shownu's name on the screen. I picked it up and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said drowsily.

"Y/N... I need to meet you." Shownu voice came from the other side.

"It's really important," He said.

"What is it? Can't you just say it over the phone?" I asked.

"No, I need to meet you, please,"

He sounded a little desperate as he said that which is very unlike Shownu.

I frowned at his words but agreed anyway.

"...Okay, I'll be there," I said.

"Thanks, Bye," He said.

"Bye," I said hanging up.

      Shownu rarely ever called me and when he did, it would mostly be about stuff related to college or food. But now he had asked me to meet him somewhere. The address he gave me was a place where only a few people would go. It was sort of a secluded area and far from Hyungwon's place. I was just too worried about Shownu to worry about my own safety since he said it was important and he had to see me immediately.

      I put my phone down on the table and went to my room to get changed into something warmer before going out. Hyungwon wasn't home. I hoped to come back home before he did so I hurried outside. I took a taxi to the place only to find no one around. There were old buildings and empty alleyways all around me. [The place where Hyukie first met Kyunie]

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