Chapter 11 Thank You

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       I could see my apartment complex now as I was nearing it. I bumped into the pedestrians walking on the road. I apologized but kept running until I entered the building. I ran into the elevator and hit the 7th-floor button. The lift moved upward slowly as I grew impatient. After a minute, the lift door opened on the 7th floor. I rushed out and dashed to my apartment. I opened the door and went inside. I was completely breathless by now.

"*Pant pant* S/N!" I called her name out.

         There was no answer. I looked around and called out to her but there was no answer. 'Where is she?' I thought. I walked to her bedroom door and placed my hand on the knob. 'Am I too late?' I thought. I hesitantly turned the knob and the door opened. I pushed it and my eyes widened in horror at the sight in front of me. S/N hung to the ceiling fan with a rope tied to her neck. Her lifeless eyes were open as if staring right at me.

        My breath caught in my throat as I fell on my knees. I was sweating and my breath became more rugged and rapid as I felt chills down my spine. My eyes burned as tears formed in them before rolling down my cheeks and my heart hammered against my chest. I was shaking as my whole body was burning up. I didn't know what to do anymore. Maybe I wasn't ready for this. Or this was my fate to see her die right in front of my eyes as I stood there helplessly crying with no one to help me. I covered my eyes with my hands and sobbed.

      Just then I felt a warm hand on my back. I looked up over my shoulder to see Hyungwon standing there. I stared at him with teary eyes but I couldn't get up as I'd lost strength. Hyungwon held my arm and helped me get on my feet. I was still shaking as I looked at him, still sobbing. He looked at me with no expression for a while before holding my hand and pressing the crown of his watch with his other hand.

We were teleported to the present again. I looked around to find me and Hyungwon in my apartment. He stuffed his watch in his pocket and looked at me once again.

"I told you it wasn't your fate to go in the past. You're not ready yet," He spoke in a low, soft voice.

      I couldn't say anything as I focused more on breathing steadily. He looked at me for a while as if waiting for me to say something. When I didn't, he let out a sigh. He then walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around me bringing me close to his chest. My eyes widened at his sudden affection.

       He placed a hand on my head, pressing it against his chest. Tears were still rolling down my eyes. I could hear his heartbeat against my ear. I realised it was strangely calming. Hyungwon didn't move and gave me all the time I needed to calm down.

'It's warm... That time when it actually happened, I didn't have anyone to hold me like this... I don't know if this fate is broken or I am...'

His breath hit my face as he pulled apart and looked at my face.

"Are you alright now?" He asked.

I nodded and there was a moment of silence between us.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that," I said in a low voice.

"It's okay. I've seen worse." He said averting his gaze.

"But, how did you know I was there?" I asked.

"...I just knew." He said.


"Anyway, I'll be leaving. Try to rest and not think about it. And it's best if you don't use the watch just yet." Hyungwon said.

"Okay," I said.

Hyungwon left the apartment after that and once again I was left alone in this horrible place.


        The next morning, I woke up and sat on my bed. I didn't feel that good so I decided to skip the morning shift at the cafe today as it was Saturday. I had breakfast after freshening up. I didn't feel like staying at the apartment and I needed some fresh air to feel good so I left the apartment and went to the Spring park.

      For some reason, I kind of expected Hyungwon to be there and was a little upset when he wasn't. There weren't a lot of people at the park and it wasn't raining either so I was able to relax. I took a deep breath as the wind blew gently, making the trees and bushes sway. It was so peaceful and quiet here.

      I pulled my phone and earphones out of my pocket and plugged them in. I put the earphones in my ears and listened to some songs. Listening to songs always helped me calm down and take a break. Music would help me focus as well as make me forget about reality when I needed to.

      I walked around the park for a while, watching the few people who were there. I couldn't hear anything other than the calm and soothing music. I felt a little better after that. I had some lunch outside and walked to the cafe having the earphones still in my ears, blessing them with good music.

     The cafe staff asked me why I didn't come and like before, I said I wasn't well, which wasn't half a lie. The other workers went away when I started working and everything was pretty normal until it was around 5:30 when the cafe was empty...again. 'Do people don't like to go to a cafe on Saturday evenings or what?' I thought.

And just like every other Saturday, Hyungwon walked in. I couldn't help but recall the events from last night when I saw him.

"The usual?" I asked.

"Yeah...and a chocolate pastry," He said.

"Okay, that's 6,430 won," I said typing his order in.

He handed me the money after going to sit at the table near the window as usual. A few minutes later, I walked to his table with his coffee and pastry and set it down.

"Thanks," He said.

      I walked back to the counter. I wanted to thank him for helping me last night but I couldn't bring myself to do it since I felt a bit awkward. It started raining after that. The sky turned grey as the raindrops drizzled down the glass windows.

     The silence between us was drowned by the raindrops hitting the road and some vehicles passing by. I looked over at Hyungwon and saw him eating his pastry peacefully. 'I wonder what he meant when he said he's seen worse. Has he lost someone too?' I thought as I recalled his words from yesterday.

       After a while, he had finished his pastry and espresso and stood up to leave. I walked over to his table to take the plate and cup. I watched as he was about to walk out the door with his umbrella.

"Hyungwon," I called out.

He turned around to look at me.

"Thanks...about last night..." I said looking at the ground before looking back up at him.

"It was nothing," He said.

"Bye," He spoke before walking away.

"...Bye," I said.

I knew he couldn't hear that but I just said it as a smile made its way to my lips.

'Thank you, Hyungwon.'

To Be Continued...

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