Chapter 12 Beautiful Night

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       I woke up the next Sunday. I found out that I had to get some groceries so I had to go outside. I got ready and walked out of my apartment. I went down to the ground floor and walked towards the gate. As I was about to walk out, I saw those men who were after Minhyuk walk past the gate. I quickly hid behind the wall beside the gate. After a short while, I peeked out and saw that they were gone. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice call me.

I turned around to see Kihyun standing there looking at me.

"Oh, Kihyun," I said.

"Why were you hiding? Who are those people?" He asked peeking behind me.

"Ah, they are um they're searching for me and I don't want them to find me," I said.

"Are they dangerous or something? They just look so strange. I saw them wandering around yesterday too," He said.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yeah," He replied nodding.

"Kihyun, will you do me a favour?" I asked.

"What is it?" He asked.

"If you ever see them and if they ask you if you know about me, will you please say you don't know me?" I said.

"Okay, but are you in any trouble? Why are they looking for you?" He asked.

"Uh, I can't tell you that because you'll be in danger if I tell you too. But don't worry I didn't do anything wrong. They're just some shady people I want to stay away from," I answered.

"Okay," He said.

"And can I get your number? You know, so whenever they're here, you can call and tell me," I said.

"Oh sure," He said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

      We exchanged our numbers and I went to the grocery store after making sure they were gone. I went back home after shopping and made myself some brunch. After having food, I looked out my window onto the street to see if those people were there. And as expected, there they were.

     I closed the window and pulled the curtains. I didn't know what it was that they wanted to do by gaining this watch. What drove them so mad that they were ready to kill people for it. Sure the watch could take you to any point of your life but was it really worth a life? Why would they want it if it wasn't their fate?

I felt restless in my apartment now that they weren't very far from finding me. I pulled my phone out to text Minhyuk and ask him if he and Changkyun were okay.

Y/N: Hey, are you guys okay? (11:59)

Minhyuk: Yeah :) (12:00)

Y/N: Those men are near my house... (12:00)

Minhyuk: WHAT?! (12:00)

Minhyuk: Y/N quickly hide in your closet or anywhere! (12:00)

Minhyuk: Don't let them see you! Stay safe! (12:00)

Minhyuk: Should I call the police?! (12:00)

Y/N: Minhyuk, calm down. I don't think they know exactly where I live. And don't drag the police in this. (12:01)

Y/N: We can't let anyone else know about the watches. (12:01)

Minhyuk: But are you going to be okay? What if they do find out where you live? (12:01)

From Zero ⨝ [Chae Hyungwon x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ