Chapter 6 Foreshadowing Your Fate

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Changkyun's POV-

"01001100 01100101 01100101 00100000 01001101 01101001 01101110 01101000 01111001 01110101 01101011" I muttered to myself as I successfully hacked into the target's phone.

"Location...837 Seojogno, Jongno-gu, Seoul," I whispered as I wrote the address down on a piece of paper.

     As I hacked in, his photo appeared on my computer. I scanned the photo and I had this strange feeling that I knew him. He looked kind of familiar to me and I couldn't brush the feeling away. Just then, the door opened once again and the men came in.

"Are we done?" One of them asked.

I took the paper with his address on it and handed it to the one who spoke.

"That's his address," I said.

"Hmm. Alright, here's your payment," He said handing me a bundle of money.

     They left shortly after that and I went back to my computer I didn't have any work now and could go home and rest but I couldn't get this guy out of my head. So I started to search more about him and who he was.

"This is 'L', then this must 'E'..." I mumbled.

"Lee Minhyuk?" My eyes widened as I whispered his name out.

      I scrolled through the photos he had of himself on his phone and he seemed more and more familiar as I did. Those men were searching for my childhood friend, Minhyuk. 'They were searching for Minhyuk?' I thought. 'But why? What did he do and what are they going to do to him?'

"And I just gave them his address! Ugh, you idiot!" I yelled at myself.

My heart was racing as I panicked.

"What do I do?"

Y/N's POV-

      I walked through the lonely streets alone on my way to the cafe. Minhyuk wasn't with me since he said he wanted to go somewhere with Shownu for a while so he'd be a little late.

     I was almost at the entrance to the cafe when a familiar figure walked past me. I turned around to see the retrieving back of the strange man in the suit. I wasted no time in running over to him.

"Hey!" I called out.

He barely turned around before I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a nearby alleyway. He frowned at me as I caught my breath and released him.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"The watch, I tried going in the past last night and it took me everywhere except where I wanted to go," I said.

"So?" He spoke.

"'So?' It's not working properly," I said.

"You should've expected that. It's broken after all. Plus, that's your problem, why are you saying that to me?" He asked.

"But you're the one who gave a broken watch, you should at least take responsibility," I said.

"You should be glad you at least have it. I'm not gaining anything by helping you but I still am and you aren't even being grateful," He said.

"It's not like I'm not grateful, okay? I'm sorry if I seemed like I was being too greedy but how can I get something out of all this if the watch doesn't work?" I spoke, trying to calm the situation down.

       He thought about it for a while but before he could say anything, I could hear Minhyuk's voice. I peeked out from the alley to find Minhyuk walking with Shownu to the cafe. I looked back at the man only to find him about to run away. I quickly grabbed his wrist preventing him from going and he stopped.

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