Chapter 9 Familiar Strangers

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       The next day I woke up and went to college and found out that Minhyuk skipped again. It made sense since he wouldn't be safe if he came to college every day. His safety was more important than college after all. [cOllEgE cAN wAiTttt] I decided to text him and ask him if he and Changkyun were okay. I instantly got a reply from him that they were fine and he asked me to be careful too.

       I decided to skip going to the cafe today. Instead, I went to Shownu's Kendo classes. That way I could speak to Wonho and also meet my Father. I called one of the cafe workers and told them that I couldn't come because I was sick. I took a cab there and went in after arriving there. Wonho and Shownu were having a match when I went there and Father was watching them.

I walked towards my father and he looked at me. His eyes lightened up as he saw me. I smiled at him as he did the same.

"Hello, father," I said bowing before him.

"It's been so long since I saw you, Y/N," He said happily.

I stood up straight and nodded before hugging him. He hugged back.

"I missed you, dear," He said.

"I missed you too. Now don't cry," I said.

He let out a small laugh and we parted.

"You should have told me that you were coming. We could meet at home then," He said.

"It's okay. Plus, I wanted to see Hyunwoo play," I said.

       He hummed at this and returned his gaze to Shownu and Wonho. I looked at them and was impressed by how they were doing. I knew Shownu was good and never lost in Kendo but Wonho seemed to be just as good as him. None of them looked like they were going to lose.

      Father told them to end the match in a draw since both of them looked tired and told them to take a break. I stayed with my father as they took a break. I was going to talk to them but Shownu went back to practising but Wonho was still taking a break. I took this chance to talk to him and walked towards him.

"Hey, Wonho," I called out.

He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Oh, Hi," He greeted.

"Uh, I wanted to talk about something," I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can we go somewhere quiet? I can't talk to you here," I said.

"Oh, okay. I know a place," He said as he started to walk somewhere.

       I followed him and we walked outside the practice room. We came out of the dojo through the back door and stopped near a place that looked like a small garden with bushes, trees and a few benches. There was no one there so I sat down on a nearby bench and he did the same.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked.

I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled my phone out. I showed him the photo of the watch that I took before speaking.

"You have a similar watch like this, right?" I asked.

He eyed it in shock for a while.

"I-I do," He said.

"Then you know what you can do with it?" I asked.

"Yeah," He answered.

"Okay, I wanted to ask you how you got it. Did someone give it to you or did you find it somewhere?" I asked.

"Is it safe if I tell you?" He asked.

"It's alright, I promise I won't tell anyone about it because I have one too. The person who made these asked me to find out how you got it, that's all. You can trust me." I explained.

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